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Saturday, November 3, 2007

God loves you very much!

I was in the mall the other day and saw an outburst between a mother and her three year old. The little girl was beautiful. She had flowing blond curls that framed a sweet little face. Until...Mom said no. The little girl's face turned purple with rage. She cried. She screamed. She pitched a fit. Mom responded with a proper swat to the behind and then sat the little girl down hard on her lap.

"Whew" I thought as I sipped my coke. "She deserved that one." The little girl was completely miserable. She sat crying and snubbing while she was held tightly in place by Mom's stiff arms.

I continued with my lunch and then saw something that reminded me of God. The mother kissed her daughter. She kissed her while the tight arms relaxed and became loving arms that reassured her love.

Isn't that just like God? We go off all half cocked into our own little selfish world. He either lets us continue until we hurt ourselves or he gives us a swat that lets us know He's tired of our actions. We feel totally miserable and we are sure that this "judgemental" God has no further use for us.

One day as we are drowning and sure this misery thing is permanent, we see light. Not much. About the size of a penlight. It couldn't be considered an answer. It couldn't even be considered hope. But there it is - a glimmer. Upon microscopic investigation we realize that it is a "smile" from God. A tiny little recognition that we are still His child, still His joy, still His hope. We may not have hope - but God has great hope for us.

In that moment, that quiet still moment we realize that He's waiting. Waiting with bated breath to see what our next move will be. Waiting to find out if we want Him. Waiting to see if we are ready for Him to move in our lives. Waiting with open arms to say...."Yes my child, I'm still here. I still love you. I still have great plans for you."

How wonderful it is to be His child!

Romans 8:38-39

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


God loves you,


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