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Monday, November 15, 2010

Abuse - Satan's favorite tool

After writing the article "Does Faith Hide Abuse" my inbox was flooded with both men and women who deal with abuse on a daily basis.  I spent almost a week answering questions and praying with and for my new friends.  I admire men and women who are so committed to their marriages and their faith that they are willing to stay in a difficult situation in order to give God a chance to work. 
No matter what situation you are dealing with....I believe there is hope!  I am positive that once the facts are exposed, you can find hope and help for any problem you may have.

While I do not think divorce is or should be the solution to every situation, I do think there are specific situations where there is no other choice.  I also am very concerned about the consequences of staying in a bad marriage as well as the consequences of leaving one.  I do not believe in using divorce as a tool to have your selfish desires fulfilled.  Maturity and determination should guide anyone as they work on marital problems. 

I should also make it clear that I do not believe in any form of abuse.  No one should ever have to live in fear.  Abuse is unchristian and unlawful. 

How you handle the different forms of abuse is clearly a personal decision.  You and you alone have all the information necessary to make that decision.  I do believe that Biblical misinterpretation has added great pain to the victims suffering abuse.  Often pastors and church friends are a victims worst enemy.  It shouldn't be that way.  That's why over the next few months we will explore abuse and why it's Satan's favorite tool.

This series of posts will deal with abuse in all it's forms.  Child abuse, marital abuse, physical and mental abuse, workers abuse, church abuse....all forms of abuse.  I hope you will check back often as we discuss this difficult issue. 

Abuse destroys lives

God loves you,


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