Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009
Tree of HOPE

The spirit of this city and this nation will not be defeated; our deeply rooted faith sustains us.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
How much??? Are you sure this is stimulus....
Ron is trying to enjoy his last few hours here at home. He sent me an e-mail that I couldn't resist posting. Sounds pretty much like the real thing to me.....

The official, incredulous, says, "You didn't even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?"
The Chicago contractor whispers back, "$1000 for me, $1000 for you, and we hire the guy from Tennessee to fix the fence."
"Done!" Replies the government official.
Mr. Obama doesn't seem to have a clue. He just likes to ride on Air Force One - wasting thousands of our much needed money while insisting we should all go green. Do we really have a president or is it just a free for all?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Is someone lying to your children?
- Write your congressman.
- Call your Senator.
- Spend 15-30 minutes a day searching the web.
- Prepare financially.
- Make a mental note of how you can change your life if necessary.
- Turn off mindless liberal Television and talk to your children. Find out the liberal bias that's being fed to your children.
- Be pro-active. Do not stick your head in the sand.
What? Yep. It's been going on for a long time. Liberal non-Christian media has been telling your children that it's okay to sleep around. They have painted the drug addict, slut, liar, thief, murderer, foolish idiot, homosexual and angry activist as normal and actually "good".
Larry Schweikart - professor of history at the University of Dayton and author of over 20 books - has written a new book entitled 48 Liberal lies about American history. Parents are always asking, "Why? Why doesn't my child love America like I do? Why does he get so angry with the church, the government? Why is my child so liberal when I'm so conservative?" Could it be what they are being taught in school?
Larry Schweikart states," with issue after issue - the Great Depression, slavery, WWI, the Far West, the Regan years - modern textbooks are obvious in their leftward slant that America is a racist, sexist, imperialist regime."
This is a huge piece of the puzzle as to why our children do not accept our conservative or religious views. If they are being bombarded with false information during 12 years of school - it will make a difference in what they believe.
Most of the media and liberals all represent this trend. There's an atmosphere of in your face lying and deceit. I can't believe how many people can twist and turn the truth in order to stay in power or keep their "candidate" in good standing.
What is the difference between a country of freedom and a country of oppression?
Freedom of speech.
When you are not allowed to speak out against the wrongs in the political system or if you are denied access to damaging information - you will lose your freedom!
And the worst....is when a political entity tries to suppress, destroy or change truth because it makes them look bad.
Want an example? Mr. Obama refuses to step up to the plate and be a man of honor. It's much easier to blame his troubles on someone else. "My Administration inherited this economy. We are in this mess because of Bush failed policies."
When President Bush left office he made the comment...."I'm not going to sit around and whine, 'Oh poor me. Why did 911 and hurricanes and this or that happen to me?' I simply tried to understand the problems that I had to deal with and I did my best to fix them."
Want proof that Obama and liberal spending democrats are lying to you?
This video has been removed from American You Tube. However, my uncle was able to find it on Canadian You Tube.
But Debbie, that's also in the past. So what if Obama is still blaming Bush. Why do I need to be concerned?
This goes back to problems with lies in textbooks. If we aren't allowed to challenge where the problem originated....we probably won't be able to fix it. And....our children will not be open to accepting help from the right sources because they have believed a lie. Most problems in society must be fix - starting at the root. If the real root of our financial crisis begins with corrupt democrats....how will we ever find a solution with corruption still driving the car?
How do we find out what politicians are doing to change our lives and the lives of our children?
The Paper, the news, and the Internet.
Right. But what if the government decides that "religious or right wing" is no longer acceptable? What if the government decides that they should control what you are able to read, listen to or research? Will you ever know the truth again? If they can control your thoughts by removing negative information about their lives - and if they can control your child's thoughts by teaching them at a young age to accept liberalism - and if they can take every good act by religion or right wing talk shows and twist it to sound improper - perhaps....perhaps....they can control our nation.
I encourage you to listen (if you don't already) to Fox News - especially the cable version. They are fair and balanced. Pay attention to the interviews that deal with the Fairness Doctrine. Obama and the Democrats are poised to rush this "truth bashing" bill through congress.
Most importantly.....join me in prayer. All of our current problems need God's people to pray. We need wisdom to fight the onslaught of lies. We need encouragement to continue fighting the battle. We need God's hand on our lives.
Trust God. He will protect his people. Rest in the fact that He loves you. Join me in praying that He will lead this nation back to Freedom.
God loves you,
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Golden Families still exist
Some people think that a family is just an organization to appeal to for money.
Some people think that Moms and Dads receive some type of drug once their firstborn turns 5. This drug turns them into idiots and selfish manipulators.
Some people think that families breed abuse and should be done away with.
Some people just don't think.
Then there are other people who fall in love, get married first and then begin to plan for a family. These people design their homes around love, proper self-esteem and gracious living. They teach their children the value of good music, good books, education, church and manners. They promote mutual respect among all family members and teach them to work together for a common goal. They are a tight knit little bunch and rally to the needs of others within the group. They work together as a team and live in harmony.
Hum....does that exist? Yep. It sure does. But...you will need God's help and his philosophies to accomplish it. Sit back and enjoy the fruits of the Collingsworth Family.
God loves you,
Friday, February 13, 2009
Please pray for two great soldiers
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Oh be careful little eyes what you see....

"Newsweek Magazine recently ran a cover story on the current generation's family crisis: parents are finding it increasingly difficult to set limits for their children in a culture obsessed with buying and consuming things - and saturated with target marketing at children from corporations intent on building brand loyalty from "cradle to grave." Do you want to be a change agent? Take a stand by parenting your kids proactively."
I believe that good parents take charge of their young child's life. Small children simply do not have the experience or knowledge to run their lives. It's ridiculous to think that a 7 year old knows enough about his growing body to determine if he's gay. It's also ludicrous to assume a 9 year old has enough knowledge to determine when a friend isn't good company or how to overcome a bully. Children also don't understand that their brain is much the same as a computer - with one disastrous flaw - there's no delete button. Whatever goes into the brain stays there.
Parents MUST be active in their child's life. We must make sure that we protect the precious little brain that controls that precious little life. If you don't, when they are teens all that bad programming will come spewing out!
You can do this AND build a wonderful relationship. It's not about being negative or setting boundaries that strip your relationship. It's about understanding your child and how to help them see TRUTH. Not sure you agree? Order my book, Discipline Exposed. In it I teach you how to have an impact on your child's life while building a strong relationship that will grow into their adult lives.
While reading his book, I found myself humming an old tune:
"Oh be careful little eyes what you see,
Oh be careful little eyes what you see,
For the Father up above is looking down in love
So be careful little eyes what you see."
Richard Land goes on to encourage parents to make sure they are teaching the following lessons:
1. Teach kids self-sufficiency.
2. Teach self-control.
3. Spend quality AND quantity time with your children.
4. Model healthy choices about buying and consuming things.
5. Assign chores and teach a strong work ethic.
6. Set clear, firm boundaries.
7. Give your child a faith.
Good Advice Richard. I recommend his book. I'm sure you'll enjoy what he has to say.
God loves you,
Monday, February 9, 2009
The government realizes the power of parenting....do you?
If you want to raise your child to be a Christian and or simply to be of moral character - you will face new challenges. The government is poised to tell you when you can discipline, what can be said in church and what "type" of beliefs your child will be taught to accept. We must unite and we must pay attention to the community and governmental influences our children will have to navigate. This is a very important example of their attacks. If they can limit our rights as parents - they can change the direction of your child's life.
Parental rights focus of amendment push
Pete Chagnon - OneNewsNow - 2/9/2009 6:00:00 AM
ParentalRights.org has launched a campaign to amend the U.S. Constitution to protect -- you guessed it -- parental rights.
It is believed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will soon recommend that the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child Treaty be incorporated into U.S. law.Jim Bently, executive director of ParentalRights.org, describes the treaty as an assault on parental rights -- and that is why his organization is launching a campaign aimed at amending the U.S. Constitution in order to protect parental rights. Bently says a large grassroots effort will be needed to accomplish the task. "So we designed what we call a '10 and 2' program," he shares. "Rather than just sending out the typical list of petitions, we're going to ask people to sign up as a 10-and-2 rep."
As a "10-and-2 rep," one will be asked to get 10 petition signatures, get three post cards signed -- one for their congressman and one for each state senator -- letting them know that someone has signed in favor of the amendment. Reps will also ask for a $1 donation from every person signing the petition, and then recruit two more people to start the process all over again. "It was designed for simplicity," says Bently. "It was designed as a way that people could look at it and say, wow, this is not an open-ended type of commitment, [but] this is a very specific thing that I can do."
According to the family advocate, the time commitment is minimal. "We expect it to take the average person two to four hours," he states. More information on the "10-and-2 Campaign" and the Parental Rights Amendment can be found at ParentalRights.org. In the history of the Constitution only 27 amendments have been ratified.
Dear Heavenly Father, please help us.
God loves you,
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Amazed and Speechless
No, I wasn't watching some mindless parade of shoot 'em up, blow 'em up. Neither was I watching dummies try and find each other in a side show of how stupid people mate.
Last night Ron and I had the great privilege of watching "Gifted Hands" starring Cuba Gooding, Jr. We were excited about this movie because we both read Ben Carson and Cecil Murphey's book, Gifted Hands as well as Think Big. I bought Take the Risk, but haven't had time to read it.
If you are struggling with a child who can't see the importance of education - this is the movie to watch. Ben Carson was failing at school and because of his mother, he not only wins a scholarship to college - but he goes on to become one of the most celebrated neuro-surgeons in the world. His journey will help your child see that education can take you places.
If you are depressed and wondering if your role as parent is important to the larger world view, this movie is for you. Without the strength and resolve of his mother, Ben Carson would never have save the lives of countless children. Imagine the pride his mother felt while watching Ben accept the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
If you worry that the faith you love may not come to fruition in your child - God can speak to you through this film. Ben's courage and desire to call on God during his most trying times will encourage any parent to continue praying for their child.
If your child is taunted and picked on at school. If he's embarrassed, harassed, or feels like he's too dumb to learn - this movie is for both of you.
This movie is a real life example of hard work, education and strength. It's an example of the miraculous found in the daily lives of God's people. It will encourage you, give you hope and when your brain finally accepts the black screen - this movie will leave you with a determination to try. That determination will follow you long after the last chord of music has faded.
I couldn't find it on Amazon or anywhere else. But if you go to http://www.tnt.tv/ you can search the play list for "Gifted Hands". I hope you will see this with your children.
God loves you,
Saturday, February 7, 2009
David - a man of action.....are you?
After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: 'I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.
How would you like to be the kind of person that causes God to nudge one of his angels and say, "Wow, look at that guy. Now he's a man after my own heart." Or "Did you see that gal? Now she's a woman after my own heart."
What does it mean to be a person after God's heart? It can't mean that you are perfect. David wasn't perfect. He failed more often than he succeeded. He certainly wasn't the perfect Christian. Yes, he killed Goliath but he also killed an innocent man because he lusted for Bathsheba. He cried out for more of God and re-built the temple but he couldn't manage his family and one of his sons became a ruthless ruler.
Lucado says, "He stared down Goliath, yet ogled at Bathsheba; defied God-mockers in the valley, yet joined them in the wilderness. An Eagle Scout one day. Chumming with the Mafia the next. He could lead armies but couldn't manage a family. Raging David. Weeping David. Bloodthirsty. God-hungry. Eight wives. One God."
So....why did God love him so much? Why did God give him such a great compliment - "a man after my own heart."
I believe it was for two reasons.
1. David was a man of action. Not only did he love God, he trusted him with blind and powerful faith. If God said rebuild my temple - David was on board. He didn't quote all the impossibilities. He didn't look at the mounting problems. He just snapped his hand to a salute and said, "Yes Sir. You can consider it done." Then.....as he made plans and worked on all those problems - he prayed for God to provide a solution.
Once again he centered his eyes on God. David squared his jaw totally sold out to God's direction and simply made sure he stayed in tune with God's plan of action. Too bad he didn't use that same action plan on his personal life.
2. David was in love with the Almighty. Read the psalms. Even in his whining days, even when he was begging God for answers - there was an element of love. A closeness. A friendship. An admiration for the "person" of God not just for his help in tough times.
We are all facing tough times. Our government will not succeed because they have left the most important factor out.....God. Our schools are in trouble. Our businesses are in trouble. The fall out from years of coddling and catering to Godless people is finally upon us.
"Yuck!!! Don't be so depressing Debbie."
I'm NOT. It's in those totally failing times that we can look for miracles.
If you begin to read your Bible and pray, if you center your eyes on God and become focused on his purpose, if you learn more about the "person" of God and fall in love with a being that truly loves you......You too can slowly see the mist lift. You too can watch the blurred lines come together and reveal a perfect plan for your life. You too can be a modern day David - a man or woman of action that walks a little taller than everyone else. A person that has a plan. Yes...a person that stands along side of the Almighty God and in these trying times - you not only make it through, you actually succeed.
David was a man of action and a lover of The Almighty God.....are you?
God loves you,
Thursday, February 5, 2009
You can be a King David!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Let's stop whining and get to work!

Monday, February 2, 2009
Are you committed to your parenting goals?
Yet.....I'm going to take an hour and complete a project for my child that will elevate his/her self-esteem.
"Why would you do that? Won't they understand that you are busy? Especially with Ron so sick, couldn't you just give them a quick call?"
Yes, of course my child would understand. All three of my children are adults and busy with their own jobs. They understand that some things must wait for a better day.
BUT....my goals as a parent can't be realized by putting this off.
One of my biggest parenting goals has always been for my children to know that they come first. You can say it 1,000 times - but just like any other relationship - if you mess up once.....if you put something off too long.....if you aren't there when they need you.....That's the time they will remember. I wish our brains worked differently, but they don't. Missed chances will always stick out in our minds.
At Thanksgiving and Christmas we sit around the table for hours talking about all the funny little things that have happened over the years. We all have a great relationship and my children remember so many terrific times together.
But when they are hurt, when they are having a hard time - just like every other child or adult - they remember those difficult times in the past. I don't ever want them to remember a difficult time when I wasn't there. If I stop when I'm really busy and take time for them - that's huge in their minds. They know that I am committed 100% to helping them navigate through this life.
Know why I'm so determined?
Because I've listened to them recall times when I missed the ball and it not only hurts them, it makes me wonder what their life could have been if I had been on top of the situation.
REMEMBER: There is no perfect parent and no perfect child.
Debbie Jansen is not perfect. I have made a ton of mistakes. But my goal....MY GOAL is to try very hard not to make any more.
So...what are your parenting goals? Are you staying true to them? Are you sharing your life with your children or do you just happen to live with them?
You can change the world by the decisions you make in your parenting goals. The future of this world and your child's life depends on what is most important to you today. Make sure you share all of your wisdom and strength with your child today - she/he needs all the help they can get.
Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser; teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. ---Proverbs 9:9
God loves you,
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Words can change everything