Click on all pictures in the sidebar to get the most from this blog. Pastor's Corner : Submit questions for three pastors - The Christian: Specific traits found in the true Christian - Abuse: An ongoing discussion of all forms of abuse - God's House: A study of God's demands on the church body - and many more.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Know your faith, know your country - #3

This entry deserved a lot of research. I could probably write several thousand words, but that would put you to sleep - so I won't.

What I can support with tons of evidence is that undefined philosophies will never produce success.


If you take a successful philosophy, doctrine, theory or dogma and you water it down by trying to make it pleasing to everyone - you will destroy it.

In other words, if you don't stand for your principles - you don't stand for anything and you will fail.

Our faith must take a stand. Our country must take a stand. It's not in diversity that we ever find strength. Strength is found in common goals, unity and passion. Strength is at it's strongest when we band together in a common goal. Strength isn't found in a group that can't make up their mind or agree on anything.

My Dad explained it this way. While there is a time for individuality, there are certainly times when individuality and opinion will kill you. Imagine that you are on a plane run by democratic votes. You are sure that the plane ride will be smoother if it's run by democracy. So, everyone boards the plane. You know that safety is important, but just to be fair you take a vote on seat belts. It has to go to committee and you've wasted four hours, but finally the vote is that everyone should buckle their seat belt. The next vote is to determine where the plane is going. Anyone that doesn't want to go there can't leave they plane - that would take another vote. After that you vote on the route. One more vote determines what snacks will be offered.

Finally, 18 hours later you are in the air. A thundercloud is looming ahead and the pilot must determine whether or not to go around the ominous cloud or fly through it. The stewardess takes the mike. "Ladies and gentlemen we are heading into a dangerous situation. We could all die, but if you will look in the pocket in front of you and take out a pen and paper we will vote on our possible pending death."

That's democracy. Allowing ignorance to vote on a skilled moved is not only dangerous but can be deadly. Our country was not set up to be a democratic institution. While democracy is part of it - we are actually a Republic. (Think of the pledge of allegiance - I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands......)

In a Republic - the people - are not involved in every tiny decision. In a republic they elect an honorable "intelligent" representatives and then trust them to make good decisions. That's why it's so important that you do your research and elect officials that will vote like you want.

That's why so many Christians are now upset with Obama. You can't send someone to Washington because you think it will be cool that he's the first black man or the first nobody or the first young guy or even the first idiot to take the office. You can't vote for someone on a whim or with a flippant attitude. If you will change the country and take it in a direction you don't like. People who expected him to take care of this country just because he has a big smile are now crying the blues when he makes decisions that destroys their freedoms.

In a Republic, your vote not only counts - it's everything! It's sacred and you better know more about the candidates than who can dance or who knows more snoop dog songs. You better be sure your candidate has read the constitution - and while your at it you better read it too!

Secondly and for the how ever many times - don't believe a lie! Politicians lie! Media loves to lie! You and you are alone are trusted with the basics of freedom, with the history of this country. Don't trust Wiki-stupid-ipedia. That's here say. Trust real books. Read opposing views. Check out the Fox news channel. LEARN about your country.

And while you're at it. Know your faith. Read that thing called a Bible and understand that it's stood the age of time. Understand that our forefathers built this country on Biblical principles. Sorry Liberals....I own a book called, The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States. It's a 1050 page book that has all the evidence you need to say....this country was founded on Christian principles.

And....Christian principles do not include, lying, having affairs, being immoral, stealing, cheating or any other vile practices. I won't look the other way when you are a criminal. I don't believe in coddling criminals or hurting a victim so some drunk can feel better.

I am a proud American that is willing to stand and put my hand over my heart and say the pledge of allegiance. I am a proud American that knows what the constitution is all about and what this country set out to be. Don't water me down....I KNOW the TRUTH. yourself a favor and learn the truth. Go on your own search. And if you want to debate with better have some evidence cause I'm loaded with it.

Eph. 6:14

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness....

Know your faith ........Know your country.......and STAND for TRUTH.

God loves you,


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Compassion is always a character issue

I'm working on our 30 points. It's been an overwhelming week.

I had to take the time to post this because so many of us either have small active children or aging parents. This short film reminds all of us to be compassionate. It brought tears to my eyes. I hope it helps you.

Since God has been this compassionate with us....I think we should be this compassionate with others.

God loves you,


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weighing the cost....changing our country #2

The cost of doing anything worthwhile is enormous. Millions of people start new projects every year - maybe even every day and when it gets tough, they quit. How many New Year's resolutions have you dismissed only a few days or weeks into the process?

There's probably a high percentage of those new projects that were not well thought out and they should be abandoned. Unfortunately, there are thousands of wonderful, God ordained projects that should go forward but those in charge don't want the heavy burden, don't want to do the heavy work or were not mentally prepared for the discouraging moments that are destined to arrive.

Before you begin, how can you be sure that you have what it takes to finish the task?

1. Spend at least two days (preferably a week) praying about it. Make sure it's something God wants you to do. So many times we are moved emotionally by some tragedy or sad story, but it's not a project that is aligned with our talents or what God wants for our lives.

For example, many young teens are moved by missionaries that speak at their church. For years they boast about going to the mission field and how they will commit to the work of God. That's wonderful and some of those young people actually follow through with their obvious calling. It's hard to watch the remainder of those excited teens attend college or go on a missions trip and return with a heavy heart because they realize the hardships and problems that go along with a missionary's call. They feel guilty giving up the call because their personalities and talents aren't aligned with the requirements of the job.

I remember when I realized that I was not designed to be an evangelist or missionary. I did not have the talents or personality for that type of work. What I did have was a talent for giving money. That talent was just as important to the work as those that were going.

2. Don't worry about preparing for success, if it comes you will be ready. Instead concentrate on the problems and how you will overcome them. Your biggest enemy will be the TAR barrier - Things Are Rough. How will you react when people aren't responding favorably to your work? How will you respond when people are critical or think it's their duty to tell you how unqualified you are or that some famous person can do your job better?

Your commitment must be to the talent and the job that God has called you. You can't allow others (or Satan) to take your mind away from your goals. Define your goals. Make sure they are specific. Take the time to understand what you WILL NOT do as well as what you will. Make sure you know the path and that you can stay on that path no matter how tough things get.

3. Make sure your sandals are dusty. I like to watch Biblical movies. I know they include dialogue that may not have happened, but I like the visualization of the scriptures. I've seen a lot of movies about miracles like The Ten Commandments or the majesty of the life of Christ like King of Kings. What I haven't seen and probably doesn't exist is a movie on Dusty Sandals.

If I made a movie about dusty sandals it would include 5-10 minute segments of feet. The camera would pan down a long dirt road. Only one or two trees are spotted in the distance. They are small trees with short branches and minimal chance for shade. The camera pans to a cloudless sky and a sun poised to bake and parch anything or anyone brave enough to come out of hiding. The highlighted feet would take one step and then another. We watch as the hiker moves at a quick and untiring pace.

The camera skips to another scene. Shadows are at a difference place and we realize the hiker has been walking for several hours. The pace is slower now and the feet are covered in heavy dust. The sandals are barely recognizable. There are scratches on the heels and legs where the hiker has obviously encountered a bush or rock. In this scene the hiker stops and we see him choose to sit on a nearby rock. He takes off his sandals and rubs his tired feet. We watch him dump several pebbles out of one shoe and dig for another stuck in the side of the opposite shoe.

We can see that this journey is not only hard for his feet. His arms are sweaty and his hands are dirty. Just walking in the heat and the dust that is stirred by any movement of living creatures or wind, seems to cover our hiker in dirt, dust and sweat. There are no water fountains, convenience stores or even a biblical road vendor. No one to help him on this journey.

He rises and begins again. As the camera pans we see nothing but hills, rocks and dry land. There are no lakes, rivers or quiet streams. No trees laden with fresh fruit. There's not even a patch of cool grass to give our weary hiker a comforting rest.

We can't see his face, but we hear his heavy breathing. We hear the labored wheezing in his chest as it fights against the dry dusty air. His steps are much slower now and we wonder how he can possibly continue. He stops near a small tree and sits in a small block of shade that only covers one side of his body. We hear the steps of another traveler as he approaches. "Master, I've come to walk with you." The second traveler hands him a wineskin and he lifts the cool bag to his lips. We can now see that our hiker is Jesus.

According to one source, during the 33 years of Jesus life, he walked at minimal of 21,525 miles. During the three years of his ministry, he walked at least 3,125 miles.

What kept him going? Why did he push? For every moment he spent on the water or on the mountainside blessing the people with miracles - there were days of lonely walking on dusty roads and feeling like he couldn't go another step.

What was going through his mind? I remember a scene in King of Kings and another one in Passion of the Christ. Jesus was carrying the cross and fell. Another man was chosen to carry the cross for him. Jesus rises and can hardly walk but the camera centers on his eyes. The pain is screaming for attention yet Christ seems to push it away and focus on the path he must walk. You glimpse a determination in his eyes. He straightens as much as possible and pushes forward.

Anything you choose to do will require that you have dusty sandals. Any path that you choose to follow will require that you push through pain. Even if you only want to stop some nagging habit like screaming at your family, you will be forced to a point where you must bite your lip and run to the bathroom. Beating your fists on the counter you will feel your anger building like a volcano. Only if you push through that feeling, fight back with a prayer and determine to walk a calmer path, only if you recognize that this is worth the fight, only if....( you fill in th blank) will you be able to see success.

God has called all of us to use our talents to change this world. Don't be afraid if that change begins with you first. Don't be afraid of dusty sandals.

God loves you,


Friday, March 20, 2009

The Power of your voice....changing our country #1

I'm in Dallas, Texas at the Christian Book Expo.

It's been a wonderful conference so far and I'm enjoying the southern accents of the workers at the conference. There are over 200 authors and their publishers brought thousands of best sellers and new books. I had time to walk around a bit yesterday. I watched as some famous authors signed books. New authors like me were struggling to look comfortable in new and unfamiliar territory.

I saw something totally different when I started asking one question...Why? Why are you here and why did you write this book?

Almost everyone answered with a a similar phrase, "I want to make a difference." No matter what problem they were writing about or what service they were providing, the overwhelming reason was "I want to make a difference."

When I consider what's wrong in America, the biggest piece of the puzzle is that we got sidetracked. In the beginning of this country we were consumed with survival and giving people the freedom they needed to pursue their dreams. Until WWII our passion was to create new cities and find answers for the industrial revolution. We pushed the limits of manufacturing and discovering new ways to make our lives more comfortable. Things like electricity and automobiles were celebrated.

The most popular marketing theme was "This will make your life easier and will give you more time with your family." Why? Because family, being a person of honor and helping others was the three most important things in American lives. Women were judged by how much they did for their church and their community. A man was judged by his honor and the value in his name. Even when I was a child I heard the statement, "My word is my bond. If I don't have a good reputation - I have nothing." Contrast that to how our famous and political figures live their lives.

Our demise began when family and being close took a backseat to making money. Our greed caused many to decide that it was more important to make money and have a huge house and three cars than it was to devote your life to helping others or making sure your family received your love. When spoiled children grew into adulthood and thumbed their noses at integrity and honor in favor of money and prestige....America began to change.

That's why I feel the #1 goal that you must achieve in order to change America is...

We must first become people of honor. We must be honest, kind, compassionate. Listen to others. Search your life for places you can help. Stop being a couch potato when you get home from work. Yes you are tired. I am too. But we are so much more rested than our forefathers were. I listened to a program about how much time women spent in Colonial days just to put a meal on the table. They often spent most of the day just to prepare one entree. Now all you have to do is stop by a drive thru.

If we all told the truth we would have to admit that we are mentally tired, not physically tired. I promise you that if you walk next door and share a cup of coffee with a friend, you will be a thousand times more rested than if you watched three dumb reality shows and then took a nap.

Look for ways that you can change your family or your church or your community. Become a person of honor by looking away from yourself.

Be a person of honor, compassion and quality. Be a person that others want to be around. Look for ways to be involved with others and your voice will be stronger. You will make a difference.

Not sure? Watch an old black and white movie with Barbara Stanwyck entitled, John Doe. You'll see how quickly caring about others can escalate into a very loud voice.

God loves you,


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Didn't I tell you???

For months now I've been telling you that God will make a way. No matter what the problems or trials we face, God will make a way.

Ron and I have faced some tense moments that we haven't shared with anyone. We watch the news like all of you and wonder if this is going to be the end of all our dreams. We hold hands and pray. We silently look at the sunset. No words are spoken and yet...we know the other is worried.

I like John Ortberg's book, If you want to walk on the water, you've got to get out of the Boat. In the chapter on fear he says, "Fear disrupts faith and becomes the biggest obstacle to trusting and obeying God."

How many times have you known it was the right thing to do, but your fear was so overwhelming that you just couldn't follow through? I've had those times. The problem is that when the fear is gone I have to deal with another huge problem - disappointment and failure.

I don't think I've become especially courageous over the years, but rather I've just decided that there are worse things that fear. In his analogy Ortberg talks about being in a pool and encouraging his daughter to jump. She knows the dangers of the water. She knows it's cold and it could rush over her head. She is afraid - but she trusts her Dad more than the fear inside. She knows his arms are outstretched. She knows - without a doubt - that Dad is going to catch her.

Ron and I have had some wonderful things happen. He's walking and his foot is much better. He can drive and has returned to work. At the Florida Writer's conference I received rave reviews about a new manuscript. Les Stobbe Literary Agency gave me a contract. I am so excited to have such a wonderful agent. I am receiving more speaking engagements. Our children are surviving this crunch.

It's like I said a few weeks ago, "With God, I believe this may be our finest hour. Even if Satan is throwing his worst, we can survive."

I have spent the last week praying about what to do with the blogs. What direction does God want me to go? I have an answer. I hope you will join me and please let me know through your comments what you think.

I want to discuss 30 ways that you and I can change this country. I believe that "one voice" is powerful. I also believe that as we join together "many voices" become a revolution. I don't mean a revolution built around anger and destruction - but one that you and I can live everyday. A revolution that may be the very thing that will turn our country around. We need to find our legs in all this. We will never be able to conquer our fear if we stand still. We need to get to work on a solution.

Mommy Detective and Authors just write will also be doing their own 30 day search.

I hope you will join me. Ben Mauch has joined the fight by starting his own blog. I encourage you to read I love the entry about Tylenol and the political scene.

I hope you will pray for us and for our country. Ron and I will certainly be praying for you.

God loves you,


Saturday, March 14, 2009

We must pray, but prayer isn't everything....

Twice this week I've counseled with parents who feel that if they pray for their child and if their child prays about their problems - miracles will happen. Their personalities will be changed and they will turn into sweet obedient children.

Prayer is important and parents should always take their problems to God.

Unfortunately.....God gave you a brain and he gave you the responsibility to care for your child. He's not going to take that back. He's not going to step in and create a miracle when you haven't done your job.

I wish I didn't have to say that. It would be so much easier if we could take our children to church and let them "receive" God like some kind of pill. Instantly they would change and all would be well.

What do you call a jerk that receives the message of Christ and joins the church? A Christian jerk. God changes your heart and sometimes that will change your personality. Most of the time our heart changes and it's years before we see the results in our personal lives.

So what's a parent to do? Pray for your child and pray that God will give you wisdom. Read books, study the job you need to do. Talk to other successful parents and be willing to consider changes. Be Positive! There is always an answer to every problem. You may not like the answer, but there's always a way to change the circumstances as well as the results. Send your questions to Mommy Detective and I'll make sure you have a plan that will give you results.

God loves your child as much as you do and I know He wants to help....but we must be wise and do our part.

God loves you,


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Don't believe the lies - again!

I am frustrated at how many times I have to point out that our morals and Christian values are being attacked through disguises.

I haven't talked about the "plans" of deviant groups and how they organize to change your views mainly because it's a huge subject that will take several posts. But...let's do a mini lesson so you will understand what I'm asking you to do.

How can you change public opinion?

1. Begin slowly. Anesthetizes their thinking by allowing small images to infiltrate their lives. In 1950 almost everyone would have been offended if they saw two men holding hands or two women snuggling together. Instead of showing images, Hollywood and the media began the attack by getting you to mentally accept that homosexuals didn't deserve a bad name. Shows like All in the family and Three's company didn't show homosexuals, but did ask you to have compassion and to laugh at a very serious subject.

Once they were sure you had let your defenses down, then they introduced a face. A person who was well liked and very nice would reveal in the end that he was gay. They allowed you to "like" him or her first and then introduced their message.

2. Attack by creating a double bind with moral feelings.
Would you ever hurt anyone? No
Does your faith believe in loving everyone? Yes

Well....if you don't accept this person for what he is, you aren't loving him. That's against your faith.

In other words they set up a situation where you are forced to accept their demands or you will look like a hateful person. No one - especially a Christian - wants to be hateful.

3. They need money to continue to force their beliefs on the public. So they enlist the help of large corporations. Corporations want to look like the good guy so they buy into the lie that homosexuals need help because Christians etc...are so abusive. We become the scapegoat while they are actually the aggressors.

They also give the false argument that this is not about "moral" beliefs but rather like the fight for elimination of black discrimination - it's an abusive attack on human rights rather than an assault against the morals of this country.

4. They need our children. They must rewrite history to lean toward their belief. They must get children at a young age to accept their way of thinking so when they are older they will vote for legislation to promote homosexual agendas. In other words - they want to use the 8 hours of school to make sure your child doesn't accept your religious beliefs.

This assault is also their last guarantee against failure. Even if they can't get their way now, by swaying your children they are guaranteed success in the future.

5. All of the above is done in secrecy. Finally once the ground is prepared, they can be open and promote their beliefs.

I hope you will sign up with or American Family Association. They send me regular updates on the moral and religious attacks going on in this country.

I apologize for the sickening and disgusting page I'm going to ask you to review - but you need to know not only what Pepsi is doing but what television, like Family Guy, is promoting. I rarely watch regular Television. I stick with cable stations like Turner Classic Movies or TVLand. I purchase movies that I know are older and safe morally.

When I received this update I was sick. All I could think of was some seven-year-old watching a cartoon while Mom fixes supper. She doesn't hear or know what her son is watching and his little mind is being programed to deny his faith. Like a snake in the grass this mother has opened her door and allowed her child to be attacked.

Because I feel it's so important for all of us to be informed, I've included a link in the sidebar for American Family Association. I encourage you to sign up.

CAUTION : The following is highly offensive. I still encourage you to view it and sign the petition.

Now that you are thoroughly disgusted, please pray for our nation and especially for our children.

God loves you,


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Do you know how to think?

It seems that more people are talking. During a boom in the economy, people are busy trying to promote their business or they are overwhelmed with work. Conversation during those times reduces to instructions and demands.

With a bad economy and the government out of control, lively debates have returned. On the surface that seems good. What amazes me though is the lack of intelligence. It's become normal to try to sway an opponent with misleading or even untruthful information. It's not always that you have a great piece of truthful information, but rather - it's the spin you put on that information. The spin is a dangerous tool.

I've talked with several democrats - who are great friends - and they continue to blame the Bush administration for the current financial crisis. Rather than accept that every president has a job to do and is responsible for his current actions, they would rather place all responsibility for failure in the past. When I tried to tell them that I have a video of Bush calling attention to the coming problem with Barney Frank and begging congress for a plan....they passed over it like it didn't exist. "Yeah sure, that never happened."

Okay. Maybe they didn't hear that it was a video. "You know a talkie is pretty hard to mess with. After all, if you change the audio - it won't match the mouth." I repeated that it was a video.

"I don't believe it. It never happened."

"Would you like to see it?"

"No, because I know it doesn't exist."

I scratched my head. How was I going to get through? "Look, I have it on my computer. You can view it on You tube. It's real. Would you like to see it."

"No. It's not true and I'm not going to fall for that." Hum...I guess the debate needs to be called on account of brain fog.

I'm having a real hard time with the so-called officials in Washington that have decided they have the only answers to our current crisis. If you put on your thinking cap and pay attention to what's being said - it just doesn't add up.

For example, Mr. Obama announced that he's spending 6 million to renovate a school in Alabama. Now maybe that needs to be done, but when I watched the story on TV, it's an old school in a very rural area that has a very low attendance. The 6 million will build a super nice school but won't help as many children as say a school in a busy booming town. So, we will have a super nice building with a low count enjoying the benefits. Is there another reason for this?

Mr. Obama says that building this nice school will create new jobs. Hum....let's think about that one for a moment. How many new jobs will we get for 6 million dollars? Not many. A construction crew will bid for the job of building the building. If they have been hit by the economy they might put on an extra man here or there.

Home Depot and the other supply companies will get an order - but probably won't put on more people. Why? Because when this school is built, it's back to square one. And if the city itself isn't growing, building this one building isn't going to spark an economy. So, if Home Depot is smart - they will work overtime supplying this one project and try to make do with the people they have. Then when the job is over they actually have paid off some of their debt.

Will new businesses spring up? No. Because everyone will know once the original money for the school is gone....we are back to square one. In other words, nothing new has been started. One piece of property has been sold and one construction job has been acquired. The banks aren't better, thousands of workers aren't hired. And the problem as a whole for that county has only been postponed. You can argue that the paychecks provided for the construction crew will stimulate purchasing power in that town - but with no real change in the economy or the policies aren't we just postponing the inevitable?

6 million = a year of paychecks for 75 people. After one year, back to normal. Seems like putting that money in a bank and dolling out unemployment for a year would do about the same thing. Or better yet, why not set up an account of 6 million where people can apply for small business loans to start a business. Oh wait...that would mean the "People" would actually have to get creative and work very hard.

Does this sound like a wise use of 6 million dollars? Hum...Oh, maybe it will make a difference when I tell you that the bid for this job will only go to a company that's unionized. Oh, and did I mention that the representative is a democrat and that his office will play a role in this? And, Oh....well....let's don't go any further. Enough digging on this issue.

What's your point Debbie?

My point is that the Bible is right. This world gets messed up when people stop thinking. In fact, one of Hitler's favorite comments was "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think."

When your desires and wants overpower your ability to see both sides, trouble is just around the corner. You can't deny the existence of information just because it doesn't fit with what you want. If you do that - there will be consequences. Another comment by Hitler - "By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise."

Many people are frightened about our future. While the economy is being destroyed by failed philosophies Satan is rushing in the back door to destroy our religious culture as well. We are being attacked on all sides while our ability and tools to fight are being taken away.


Wisdom is better than rubies; and all things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.
--Proverbs 8:11

There is treasure to be deserved and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up. ----Proverbs 21:20

Wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence; but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it. ----------Eccl. 7:12

If you want to survive the coming problems, then be wise. Be willing to look deeply into everything. Study. Work hard and pray for wisdom. The true Wisdom of God will lead all of us out of any problem Satan can invent. That's a promise!

God loves you,


Thursday, March 5, 2009

God loves little Bailey

My Dad sent me the following e-mail. I cried through most of it. Adults can get so caught up in our circumstances and our pain. We should be more like children in the way we react to our faith. I hope you will find comfort and joy in this story about little Bailey.

Bailey's Jesus!

And Jesus said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 18:3

God recently allowed me to see Jesus through the eyes of someone seeing Him for the first time. Having the advantage of knowing how the story ends, we can easily forget the cost of our redemption and the love of our Savior.

Every year we attend a local church pageant which tells the story of Jesus from His birth through His resurrection. It is a spectacular event, with live animals and hundreds of cast members in realistic costumes. The magi enter the huge auditorium on llamas from the rear, descending the steps in pomp and majesty. Roman soldiers look huge and menacing in their costumes and makeup.

Of all the years we have attended, one stands out indelibly in my heart. It was the year we took our then three-year-old granddaughter, Bailey, who loves Jesus. She was mesmerized throughout the entire play, not just watching, but involved as if she were a player.

She watched as Joseph and Mary traveled to the Inn and was thrilled when she saw the baby Jesus in His mother's arms. Later when Jesus, on a young donkey, descended the steps from the back of the auditorium, depicting His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Bailey was ecstatic. As he neared our aisle, Bailey jumped up and down, screaming, "Jesus, Jesus! There's Jesus!" Not just saying the words but exclaiming them with every fiber of her being. She alternated between screaming his name and hugging us. "It's Jesus. Look!" I thought she might actually pass out.

Tears filled my eyes as I looked at Jesus through the eyes of a child in love with Him, seeing Him for the first time. How like the blind beggar screaming out in reckless abandon, "Jesus, Jesus!", afraid he might miss Him, not caring what others thought. This was so much fun.

Then came the arrest scene. On stage, the soldiers shoved and slapped Jesus as they moved Him from the Garden of Gethsemane to Pilate. Bailey responded as if she were in the crowd of women, with terror and anger. "Stop it!" she screamed. "Bad soldiers, stop it!" As I watched her reaction, I wished we had talked to her before the play. "Bailey it's OK. They are just pretending," but she shouted "They are hurting Jesus! Stop it!" She stood in her seat reacting to each and every move.

People around us at first smiled at her reaction, thinking "How cute!". Then they quit smiling and watched her watch Him. In a powerful scene, the soldiers lead Jesus carrying the cross down the steps of the auditorium from the back. They were yelling, whipping, and cursing at Jesus, who was bloodied and beaten. Bailey was now hysterical. "Stop it! Soldiers! Stop it," she screamed. She must have been wondering why all these people did nothing. She then began to cry instead of scream. "Jesus, Oh, Jesus!" People all around us wept as we all watched this devoted little disciple see her Jesus beaten and killed as those first century disciples had.

She was distraught and bounced between her mother's lap and mine for comfort. I kept saying, "Bailey, it's OK. Jesus is going to be OK. These are just people pretending to be soldiers." She looked at me like I was crazy. She snuggled in my lap as we talked through the cross and burial. "Watch, Bailey, watch for Jesus!"

The tomb began to tremble and lightening flashed as the stone rolled away. A super bowl touchdown cheer couldn't come close to matching this little one's reaction to the resurrection. "Jesus! He's OK. Mommy, it's Jesus!" " It's Jesus!" I prayed that she wasn't going to be traumatized by this event, but that she would remember it. I shall never forget it. I shall never forget seeing Jesus' suffering, crucifixion, and resurrection through the eyes of an innocent child.

Following the pageant the actors all assembled in the foyer to be greeted by the audience. As we passed by some of the soldiers Bailey screamed out, "Bad soldier, don't you hurt Jesus." The actor who portrayed Jesus was some distance away surrounded by well-wishers and friends. Bailey broke away from us and ran toward Him, wrapping herself around His legs, holding on for dear life.

He hugged her and said, "Jesus loves you." He patted her to go away. She wouldn't let go. She kept clinging to Him, laughing and calling His name. She wasn't about to let go of her Jesus. I think God in heaven stopped what ever was doing on that day and made all the angels watch Bailey. "Now, look there! You see what I meant when I said; 'LET THE LITTLE CHILDREN COME TO ME, AND DO NOT HINDER THEM, FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN BELONGS TO SUCH AS THESE.' " MATTHEW 19:14

God loves you,


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm Back......

I feel like I've been in a restful sort of "coma" for the last week. Unlike reality - I flew to the warmth of Florida and drove to a secluded area. I attended the Florida Christian Writer's Conference. It was wonderful! So many wonderful people were there. So much work was done and so many friends were made.

The best part of the conference is what it didn't have. It didn't have TV, radio, proper Internet or even newspapers. Instead I was surrounded by an atmosphere of acceptance, Christian love, hope and a determination to share the gospel.

Cec Murphey, co-author of 90 minutes in Heaven taught my morning class while various other authors and editors taught in the afternoon. He delivered inspired, wonderful, heart soothing messages for the worship services. The music was uplifting.

Calvin Miller was the Keynote speaker for the last two services. He delivered a funny, poignant and challenging message. I bought his book, Life is Mostly Edges. What a wonderful book! If you want a lift - a look back at the good times and a determination to make them happen again - you must purchase his book.

THEN.....I flew back to reality. The stock market is down. Mr. Obama and the democrats are taking away our personal freedoms and pushing us into a Godless socialistic state. I received this e-mail from a dear friend.

"Dear Debbie, I lost my job and my husband of 42 years has heart trouble. We've lost almost 3/4 of our retirement. I don't want to get out of bed in the morning. I lay there and cry. My America - home of the free, the productive and the brave - My religiously free country is being destroyed. We have become an immoral nation of murderers (abortion/assisted suicide). I lay in bed and honestly wish that God would come. I watch the sunrise hoping that he will either take my husband and I home or that he will split the sky and tell all of us that the suffering and disappointment is over. I'm scared. I'm tired and I'm disappointed that so many Christians let this nut take over our country."

I feel so sorry for her. And yet, many of us have our moments where we feel the same. We may try to fight it - but it washes over us and leaves a stain that haunts us through the day. I was appalled as I went through my e-mails and read the new bills and spending that's going on in Washington. If it's bad for the country - the Dems feel compelled to push it through. I grew up in a time when even if politicians didn't agree with a law personally - they were at least able to view it's effects on society and vote "no" just to protect their constituents. I don't get the current Washington system. Rather than discussing what's right or good for America - value is placed on "will this give me money? Will this bring in taxes? California has lost their minds if they think a drugged society will continue to be productive. (They want to legalize marijuana and tax it.)

Last week, the day before I left for the conference, a cashier lady at Sam's made a comment which led to my comment that I didn't believe in Mr. Obama. Because of my southern accent she basically called me a racist for not voting for him - yes, she was white. No, she didn't have a clue. She stood there fussing about the price of everything she scanned - but couldn't make the connection that the man she voted for was going to double those prices with his policies. And...not having the intelligence to make the connection, the only thing she could think to do was to call me a name.

BUT....AGAIN....I have good news! Both for you and for my friend who can't get out of bed.


While God may not work overtime to help rebellious children (the Sam's clerk is on her own), I believe he does work overtime to help those that are committed to his teachings and his church. I believe that as we trust him through this crisis, we will find comfort, love and protection.

Slowly, the word is coming in. I'm beginning to hear how God is providing for those he loves with miraculous happenings. Don't give up hope! God loves you and he will take care of you!
I know a doctor who's success is over the top while others in his field are going under. I know personal friends who are receiving checks that they never thought possible. I know of people who are receiving healing and blessings they were sure wouldn't come.

Have faith. God is still on the throne. While America may be running away from God - If we run to him we will be safe.
God loves you,