A few days ago I took the time to click over to my favorite website. I checked on Kyria.com Last year Today's Christian Woman magazine (top seller in the industry) became a digital magazine. It's a wonderful site and I do hope that you will join. The articles are fabulous and there are a lot of wonderful Bible studies and other resources that you can purchase, download and print up to a thousand copies for your Sunday school or other study groups. Please check it out...I know you will love it.
Anyway....I clicked over to the editors blog to see if my friend Ginger had written anything. Her article Little surprises was about God answering a quickly whispered insignificant prayer. It brought tears to my eyes. I thought back to the first time God had ever answered a prayer for me.
I hope you will enjoy going down memory lane with me. Here's my comment to Ginger's article.

I wiped my sweaty hands on my new pink dress, stared at the problem on the board and wished there was something fun to speed up the afternoon. The second hand on the massive black and while circular clock seemed to drag as if time actually wanted to stand still. Tick, tock, tick, tock. It felt as though the day would never end.
I remembered my Sunday School teacher telling me that God cares. She had bounced on her high heels and squealed with excitement. "God loves you and wants to be there for you. You are his child." I wondered if he really cared about musty books and scowling teachers. I squinted out the window and decided it was time to find out. I took a split second to bow my head, "God if you are really there, please let something fun happen."
Within minutes the face of that harsh teacher smiled. She tapped her stick on her desk and announced. "Children. You have been so good today, I have a special surprise. I've brought a piece of bazooka gum for each of you. After you open it, save the paper. On your way out of the room you must throw the gum away. I won't tolerate anyone misusing this privilege."
For the next 20 minutes I happily chewed my bubblegum. I remember looking out the window at the blue sky and trying to wink like my mother often did. I wanted God to know that he was now my friend and that I was convinced he would always listen to my prayers.
Insignificant...not at all. The point was not the simplistic prayer or the fact that the world was filled with bigger needs than a 20 minute escape from boredom. The point was that God listens to all prayers....even the ones that are simple triggers to let us know that he's watching, listening and always there. God listens to the children and the aged, the pastors and the businessman. He listens to the wealthy and the poor, the hidden and those with fame. God listens!
Prayer works! It's a fact. Whenever we bow our heads in honest appeal - God hears us. 53 years later I can honestly say, God has listened to every prayer and has been the best friend I could have ever had! :)
No matter what you are facing.....no matter how hard the task....how rough the road ahead....how scary the problem....give God a try. I can promise you that He will listen. I hope that you will make prayer a daily experience for your entire family. Teach your children to pray. Pray with your husband. Pray with your friends. Even if your circumstances never change - pray and I promise you that God will let you know that he is there.
God loves you,
Debbie,sometimes I think you are think of me when you write these words. This was so uplifting for me today, thank you for spending time with God before you write. he truly does lead you!
Mike May
Thank you Mike....but you are right. I do think of you and all my readers when I write. We are all in the same boat after all. I hope you will always think of me when you need a little extra prayer or a few kind words. I'm here....just write...and together we will reach out for Heaven.
Love you!
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