I just received a disturbing e-mail from a long time friend. I prayed about it and I felt God leading me to share this with you.
We are all struggling with problems and some of us are wrestle with how we can change America for the better. But I wonder if you realize that everything you do in your daily life either points to the Heavenly Father or it tears down our faith. Every interaction with any other human carries with it the potential for good or the potential for destruction.
My friend owns a cake decorating business. Now unless she's baking a cross cake for Easter, there's not a lot of ministry in her work. She does donate her unsold cupcakes and cookies to the local food bank and she does volunteer work for a homeless shelter.
My friend is a wonderful mother and Christian and...one of the sweetest people I know. You know the kind. She would turn a deep shade of red if anyone raised their voice or was critical of her work.
In her last e-mail she explained that her Sunday school teacher needed work. Her husband had lost his job and they couldn't pay their bills. Being the sweetie that she was, My friend gave her a job. Unfortunately, her Sunday school teacher came in late, didn't keep her area clean and was short with one of her best customers. When she was approached about changing her attitude and work - she lashed out in a vengeful and hateful way. She even tried to get other workers to take her side and stand against my friend.
My friends e-mail was heavy with sorrow. She wondered if she should be understanding. She wondered if she was wrong to approach this worker - even though they had been sited by the health department and found it was directly responsible to this employee. She wondered if as a Christian she had the right to take up for her business. She wondered if she had been a proper Ambassador for Christ.
After we discussed the issue back and forth in several e-mails, it was evident that My friend was trying to "protect the faith" by questioning her own actions. Yet, she was hurt by this other Christian Sunday School teacher who didn't realize that she was NOT being a good Ambassador for Christ. Her actions were divisive and full of revenge. Her actions proved to those in the shop that some Christians do not practice or understand the full gospel. And...her actions proved that she did not understand that our faith must go deeper - it must continue into every area of our lives or it will prevent others from salvation rather than promote Christ. Unfortunately, one of the employees that was a baby Christian was deeply hurt by the actions of this Sunday School Teacher.
The worst thing that's happened to America isn't the rise of Liberals - the worst thing is that Christians have forgotten that they must "be Christ" in every situation. Just as he bowed to Caesar, his Rabbai, his mother and a host of others who had leadership over him - at times - we too must understand those who have leadership over us. We also need to realize that others are watching. How many times have we heard liberals poke fun at someone's faith because they tried to sound perfect yet they were hiding sins. Hippocrites never help our faith. How many times have you lost your influence over someone because you chose to act in an unChristian manner? Christians are not destructive - Satan is.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that we should all take a look at our own lives and be sure that we are compassionate and kind. That we wait for the facts before we jump on the bandwagon of critisism. That we strive to be honorable and able to work with and under another person's leadership.
But....and this is not contradictory....we must also take our own leadership seriously. Are we watching out for the work God has called us to do. Are we carefully and prayerfully accepting that as a leader we must make hard decisions that others might not understand? If we don't do that....our work for God can suffer. Too many churches have gone under because a Pastor wasn't willing to stand strong against attacks and instead gave in to demanding people who pushed and shoved the body of Christ into a dark place.
It's a fine balanced line to be in the perfect will of God. We are called to be wise and to be strong. We are called to lead and to follow. We are called to be ambassadors and to be soldiers of the cross. And we are called to be and do all of that just as "Jesus" would do.
Tonight I hope you will all join me in prayer asking for grace to help each of us react to difficult situations with the heart and the mind of Christ. May we continually show others that the only way to a Godly nation and a healed land is through the love and strength of Jesus Christ.
Live in such a manner that when others speak badly of you - no one will believe it!
God loves you,
Click on all pictures in the sidebar to get the most from this blog. Pastor's Corner : Submit questions for three pastors - The Christian: Specific traits found in the true Christian - Abuse: An ongoing discussion of all forms of abuse - God's House: A study of God's demands on the church body - and many more.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
December "Droop"
Moms are wonderful creatures. Most of the time her family can't see the "droopy" shoulders and moist eyes that sprinkle through special days and rushing moments.
Once a mom is determined to make moments that will be remembered for a lifetime, she goes into a hyper drive of activity. Perhaps there are scribbled notes in her purse or a list hanging on the fridge. If she also has a career, maybe there's a recorder that not only lists the activities and corresponding ingredients but also belts a little motivational cheer to keep her moving.
She may forego sleep imagining the smiles of her family or even refuse to purchase something she needs in order to obtain that special dish that makes everyone groan with pleasure. She will probably turn into a drill sergeant that could move a platoon into high gear with the slightest raise of her eyebrow and yet her orders can change at a moments notice when someone is sick.
She maintains the mood of her home as well as the janitors, the cooks and the decorators. She makes sure that every special moment is documented with cameras and recorders.
So if this Supermom is so wonderful, why the December droop? After she's put together a lovely Thanksgiving dinner, made sure everyone was well fed and rested, cleaned up the kitchen and rushed out at 3am on Black Friday to purchase a wonderful gift - why the December Droop? Why does she seem melancholy and sad? Why isn't she as excited as her family? Doesn't she realize the wonder of this season?
The December droop is often due to the fact that moms forget their original goals. She is overworked and exhausted. She desperately needs a thank you from her family and a confirmation that the day was a success. When her family forgets to tell her how wonderful she is, she looks for "non-verbal" communication to confirm that she has accomplished her goals. After several years of seeking the "non-verbal" signs she has convinced herself that the smiles and the laughter and the joy of the holiday decorations and festivities are the only things that matter. If she continues on this path, she will stress about the need for "SUPER Smiles, wows and compliments.
After a few years of going for the "non verbal" compliments - she has forgotten that her original goal was to share her love with her family and present Thanksgiving and Christmas as a special day. She was never in charge of making everyone happy or meeting all their needs. No one can do that.
Smiles, wows and compliments can't be sustained. They are short lived and unsatisfying. Somewhere in all the hyperactivity Mom has forgotten her original goal and she's lost her self-worth. She begins to dread the holidays because she knows that she will fail no matter what she does. She bites into her overcooked turkey and droops as one sibling fussed at another.
So....what's the solution?
The best way to cure the December droop is for the Family to pay attention to all the work Mom does. Give her a hug. Tell her you appreciate the fact that you were able to take an afternoon nap. Tell her how much you love coming home. Take her face in your hands and say..."You are wonderful! My life is better because you are here." Being kind and considerate about her hard work is the best way to cure to December droop. Your words are her paycheck for a job well done.
The second phase involves Moms thinking. Mom must resist the need for the immediate gratification of laughter or that "wow" moment. Instead think of your work in terms of multiple years. Try to think of holidays as a process. A journey that builds to an overall memory that will cause your children to "want" to come home year after year. As long as you provide love, respect and verbal support to your children, they will want to be with you. As long as your home is cozy and warm with love - your children will want to return to your safe refuge. As long as your arms are inviting and your smile is wide, your children will find strength in being near you.
It's not about the decorations or the turkey or even the laughter at the table. It is about giving a lot of love and providing a place that your family will feel accepted and loved. If you have done that - you are a success!
God loves you,
Once a mom is determined to make moments that will be remembered for a lifetime, she goes into a hyper drive of activity. Perhaps there are scribbled notes in her purse or a list hanging on the fridge. If she also has a career, maybe there's a recorder that not only lists the activities and corresponding ingredients but also belts a little motivational cheer to keep her moving.
She may forego sleep imagining the smiles of her family or even refuse to purchase something she needs in order to obtain that special dish that makes everyone groan with pleasure. She will probably turn into a drill sergeant that could move a platoon into high gear with the slightest raise of her eyebrow and yet her orders can change at a moments notice when someone is sick.
She maintains the mood of her home as well as the janitors, the cooks and the decorators. She makes sure that every special moment is documented with cameras and recorders.
So if this Supermom is so wonderful, why the December droop? After she's put together a lovely Thanksgiving dinner, made sure everyone was well fed and rested, cleaned up the kitchen and rushed out at 3am on Black Friday to purchase a wonderful gift - why the December Droop? Why does she seem melancholy and sad? Why isn't she as excited as her family? Doesn't she realize the wonder of this season?
The December droop is often due to the fact that moms forget their original goals. She is overworked and exhausted. She desperately needs a thank you from her family and a confirmation that the day was a success. When her family forgets to tell her how wonderful she is, she looks for "non-verbal" communication to confirm that she has accomplished her goals. After several years of seeking the "non-verbal" signs she has convinced herself that the smiles and the laughter and the joy of the holiday decorations and festivities are the only things that matter. If she continues on this path, she will stress about the need for "SUPER Smiles, wows and compliments.
After a few years of going for the "non verbal" compliments - she has forgotten that her original goal was to share her love with her family and present Thanksgiving and Christmas as a special day. She was never in charge of making everyone happy or meeting all their needs. No one can do that.
Smiles, wows and compliments can't be sustained. They are short lived and unsatisfying. Somewhere in all the hyperactivity Mom has forgotten her original goal and she's lost her self-worth. She begins to dread the holidays because she knows that she will fail no matter what she does. She bites into her overcooked turkey and droops as one sibling fussed at another.
So....what's the solution?
The best way to cure the December droop is for the Family to pay attention to all the work Mom does. Give her a hug. Tell her you appreciate the fact that you were able to take an afternoon nap. Tell her how much you love coming home. Take her face in your hands and say..."You are wonderful! My life is better because you are here." Being kind and considerate about her hard work is the best way to cure to December droop. Your words are her paycheck for a job well done.
The second phase involves Moms thinking. Mom must resist the need for the immediate gratification of laughter or that "wow" moment. Instead think of your work in terms of multiple years. Try to think of holidays as a process. A journey that builds to an overall memory that will cause your children to "want" to come home year after year. As long as you provide love, respect and verbal support to your children, they will want to be with you. As long as your home is cozy and warm with love - your children will want to return to your safe refuge. As long as your arms are inviting and your smile is wide, your children will find strength in being near you.
It's not about the decorations or the turkey or even the laughter at the table. It is about giving a lot of love and providing a place that your family will feel accepted and loved. If you have done that - you are a success!
God loves you,
Monday, November 23, 2009
Mom Squad goes to Anita Renfroe Concert
I think all of you know that I am part of the Mom Squad Panel for 95.5 The Fish
We attended the Anita Renfroe Concert and had a ball meeting fans and listening to Anita. Her quick wit, funny stories and sweet spirit made the evening a wonderful experience.
I hope you enjoy the pictures of our night with Anita Renfroe.
We attended the Anita Renfroe Concert and had a ball meeting fans and listening to Anita. Her quick wit, funny stories and sweet spirit made the evening a wonderful experience.
I hope you enjoy the pictures of our night with Anita Renfroe.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
How wonderful that life often comes in two's
I finished posting Ken's YouTube release and received a message from Jamie - our oldest son that his work was on Fox and Friends.
Jamie was priviledged to be able to take the DVD cover photo for Rebecca St. James new movie - Sarah's choice. Look at the cover of the DVD just behind Rebecca in the interview. Jamie took that photo. If you watch the interveiw you can see what a wonderful movie it will be to share not only with your family but with any teen in general.
And....just think how wonderful it would be to have your picture taken by the photographer that did the photograph for such a wonderful film. You can check his work out at http://www.jamiejansenphoto.com/
I'm very proud of both my sons - and my wonderful daughter.
God loves you,
Jamie was priviledged to be able to take the DVD cover photo for Rebecca St. James new movie - Sarah's choice. Look at the cover of the DVD just behind Rebecca in the interview. Jamie took that photo. If you watch the interveiw you can see what a wonderful movie it will be to share not only with your family but with any teen in general.
And....just think how wonderful it would be to have your picture taken by the photographer that did the photograph for such a wonderful film. You can check his work out at http://www.jamiejansenphoto.com/
I'm very proud of both my sons - and my wonderful daughter.
God loves you,
Great Music !!!
My son, Ken Jansen, has just released a new composition of Psalm 40 on YouTube. He has a wonderful talent and we are all very proud of him. Please pray for God to bless him and his talent. I hope you will listen and be blessed by this talented young man. I hope he will finish his work and release a new CD soon.
God loves you,
God loves you,
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Manhattan Declaration
While we are all frustrated and doing our best to stop the erosion of our rights - I think it would be great if we joined something uplifting and positive.
Governor Huckabee interviewed Chuck Colson tonight. I rushed to my computer and googled The Manhattan Declaration. It's a document that over 150 prominent ministers, writers and Christian personalities have signed. It lays out the foundation of our faith and then goes one step further by stating that even if they are threatened or sentenced to jail or with any form of punnishment - they will NOT go back on their Christian principles.
I encourage you to go to the website and read the declaration. But...before you sign it, be sure you can follow through with your commitment.
I was proud that people like James Dobson, Joni Erickson Tada and Tony Evans had signed the document. You may recognize names like Jerry Jenkins, Kay Arthur and Chuck Colson.
I liked the way they worded the document. They were careful to talk about God's love but in no way did they water down God's commandments.
I believe this is a document that all Christians should consider. I do think that anyone that signs in agreement may be called on to defend their faith - but....for myself, I feel as though I'm at a crossroads and for me there was no choice but to sign. It's wonderful that over 10,000 people have signed this document.
God Loves you,
Governor Huckabee interviewed Chuck Colson tonight. I rushed to my computer and googled The Manhattan Declaration. It's a document that over 150 prominent ministers, writers and Christian personalities have signed. It lays out the foundation of our faith and then goes one step further by stating that even if they are threatened or sentenced to jail or with any form of punnishment - they will NOT go back on their Christian principles.
I encourage you to go to the website and read the declaration. But...before you sign it, be sure you can follow through with your commitment.
I was proud that people like James Dobson, Joni Erickson Tada and Tony Evans had signed the document. You may recognize names like Jerry Jenkins, Kay Arthur and Chuck Colson.
I liked the way they worded the document. They were careful to talk about God's love but in no way did they water down God's commandments.
I believe this is a document that all Christians should consider. I do think that anyone that signs in agreement may be called on to defend their faith - but....for myself, I feel as though I'm at a crossroads and for me there was no choice but to sign. It's wonderful that over 10,000 people have signed this document.
God Loves you,
Friday, November 20, 2009
It's Called Christmas
How wonderful to see young people realizing the truth about this country and Christmas. I love this video!
God loves you,
God loves you,
Monday, November 16, 2009
Debbie's TBN interview about the economy's impact on the family
This fall, 2009 Debbie did an interview with Eugene Norris on "Joy in our Town" with TBN television. The following is based on that interview.
I. What impact does a slumping economy have on the family unit?
Too many families are already working overtime for “things” rather than concentrating on people and the family unit. If all your focus is on things – when you start to lose them, all sorts of problems begin. Marriage isn’t about things. It is not a business with a bottom line. If your marriage is defined by goals and what you plan to achieve - rather than a relationship - then the success of your family will be tied to the economy. When the economy goes down it will take your family with it.
2. You say abuse increases when the economy is bad – how is this so?
Even wonderful loving people can reach their limit. During a down economy, if the family begins to lose it's way because of the loss of things - that will translate into abuse. Let me go over the top four biggest problems.
1. Disappointment. If your marriage is about reaching goals and those goals are denied, disappointment can set in. Disappointment is a huge emotion to deal with. Disappointment that you can't provide the desperately needed braces or the new bike or even an overpriced birthday present - can leave you feel desperate and like a failure.
2. Being overworked, feeling like a failure or watching your dreams crash around you – those are all huge emotions that will translate into your daily life.
3. If love isn’t your main focus in your family – you can reach feelings like those of being the caged tiger. The caged tiger feels like he doesn’t have options and he lashes out at anyone coming near the cage. And....if the family continually bangs on the bar of his cage by asking for "stuff" or demanding "participation" especially when he/she is overworked and tired....then...the caged tiger will lash out.
4. With all that working together – In the eyes of the overworked, the family becomes part of the problem and in desperation he/she will lash out at them. For example, imagine if Dad has always brought little things home for his four year old. Nothing big. A little toy or a lollipop. But now that he is behind on the house payment and is taking yogurt to work for lunch, he doesn't even have the quarter everyday to bring something home with him. What happens? The child runs to him trying to continue with the things he loves, but in dad's disappointment - he lashes out. Solution: Mom needs to get involved and help by making a card, a picture, a cookie - something to take the place of a purchased item. Mom and child also need to be understand that dad isn't being mean - he's just disappointed that he can't deliver.
III. Families need to pull closer in times of crisis. What happens that drives a wedge between them?
It’s all about focusing on love and what is best for the family. If you focus on money or things or position or anything other than being together – the family unit will suffer. But, if you take your eyes off things and put them on faces ---and if you work together, you can come up with ingenious solutions.
IV. Fathers have a sense of being the provider – what do fathers need to understand during this time?
Great question! The only way for any family to survive during any stressful time is to make the family unit the most important thing in the marriage. It’s not about individuals – it’s about the unit as a whole. For example, if little Johnny contracts liver cancer…the rest of the family needs to go into protection mode for little Johnny. That means vacations, ball games, days at the zoo all take a back seat to making sure little Johnny is cared for. It doesn’t mean you don’t do those things but your perspective is taking care of a hurting member.
So…if Dad can see that it’s not about him and his feelings but rather about taking care of the family – then his ego is in tack and the family survives. I’ve written a booklet titled Stay at home Dads, the new supermen! I wrote it because more men than ever are staying at home because their wives can make more money than they can. I give all kinds of tips on how to adjust your ego and allow the family to win.
V. Do we see where abuse occurs because the wife is working and the husband is staying at home?
I’m not sure that it’s who stays home as much as where the emphasis is for the family. It’s the attitude about how to handle stress that makes the difference.
That attitude can come from being a spoiled brat and wanting everything. But…there we are back to the fact that spoiled brats can’t be trusted or counted on in a marriage.
VI. Is this abuse from the father toward the children? The spouse? Both?
Abuse doesn’t care about gender, relationships or age. Abuse comes from three forms.
1. You were raised with abuse and you are continuing the heritage.
2. You didn’t learn how to handle anger when you were young…or you’re a spoiled brat.
3. You are a good person, a devout parent and loving spouse, but you are overloaded and have become the caged tiger.
To wind it up…in a down economy you want to put your emphasis on protecting the family unit, protecting your relationships with your spouse and children and remove the emphasis off of things. Make the family unit and being together a #1 priority and let go of things.
I hope this helps you,
God loves you,
I. What impact does a slumping economy have on the family unit?
Too many families are already working overtime for “things” rather than concentrating on people and the family unit. If all your focus is on things – when you start to lose them, all sorts of problems begin. Marriage isn’t about things. It is not a business with a bottom line. If your marriage is defined by goals and what you plan to achieve - rather than a relationship - then the success of your family will be tied to the economy. When the economy goes down it will take your family with it.
2. You say abuse increases when the economy is bad – how is this so?
Even wonderful loving people can reach their limit. During a down economy, if the family begins to lose it's way because of the loss of things - that will translate into abuse. Let me go over the top four biggest problems.
1. Disappointment. If your marriage is about reaching goals and those goals are denied, disappointment can set in. Disappointment is a huge emotion to deal with. Disappointment that you can't provide the desperately needed braces or the new bike or even an overpriced birthday present - can leave you feel desperate and like a failure.
2. Being overworked, feeling like a failure or watching your dreams crash around you – those are all huge emotions that will translate into your daily life.
3. If love isn’t your main focus in your family – you can reach feelings like those of being the caged tiger. The caged tiger feels like he doesn’t have options and he lashes out at anyone coming near the cage. And....if the family continually bangs on the bar of his cage by asking for "stuff" or demanding "participation" especially when he/she is overworked and tired....then...the caged tiger will lash out.
4. With all that working together – In the eyes of the overworked, the family becomes part of the problem and in desperation he/she will lash out at them. For example, imagine if Dad has always brought little things home for his four year old. Nothing big. A little toy or a lollipop. But now that he is behind on the house payment and is taking yogurt to work for lunch, he doesn't even have the quarter everyday to bring something home with him. What happens? The child runs to him trying to continue with the things he loves, but in dad's disappointment - he lashes out. Solution: Mom needs to get involved and help by making a card, a picture, a cookie - something to take the place of a purchased item. Mom and child also need to be understand that dad isn't being mean - he's just disappointed that he can't deliver.
III. Families need to pull closer in times of crisis. What happens that drives a wedge between them?
It’s all about focusing on love and what is best for the family. If you focus on money or things or position or anything other than being together – the family unit will suffer. But, if you take your eyes off things and put them on faces ---and if you work together, you can come up with ingenious solutions.
IV. Fathers have a sense of being the provider – what do fathers need to understand during this time?
Great question! The only way for any family to survive during any stressful time is to make the family unit the most important thing in the marriage. It’s not about individuals – it’s about the unit as a whole. For example, if little Johnny contracts liver cancer…the rest of the family needs to go into protection mode for little Johnny. That means vacations, ball games, days at the zoo all take a back seat to making sure little Johnny is cared for. It doesn’t mean you don’t do those things but your perspective is taking care of a hurting member.
So…if Dad can see that it’s not about him and his feelings but rather about taking care of the family – then his ego is in tack and the family survives. I’ve written a booklet titled Stay at home Dads, the new supermen! I wrote it because more men than ever are staying at home because their wives can make more money than they can. I give all kinds of tips on how to adjust your ego and allow the family to win.
V. Do we see where abuse occurs because the wife is working and the husband is staying at home?
I’m not sure that it’s who stays home as much as where the emphasis is for the family. It’s the attitude about how to handle stress that makes the difference.
That attitude can come from being a spoiled brat and wanting everything. But…there we are back to the fact that spoiled brats can’t be trusted or counted on in a marriage.
VI. Is this abuse from the father toward the children? The spouse? Both?
Abuse doesn’t care about gender, relationships or age. Abuse comes from three forms.
1. You were raised with abuse and you are continuing the heritage.
2. You didn’t learn how to handle anger when you were young…or you’re a spoiled brat.
3. You are a good person, a devout parent and loving spouse, but you are overloaded and have become the caged tiger.
To wind it up…in a down economy you want to put your emphasis on protecting the family unit, protecting your relationships with your spouse and children and remove the emphasis off of things. Make the family unit and being together a #1 priority and let go of things.
I hope this helps you,
God loves you,
Debbie was on TBN
On November 12, 2009 I did an interview on TBN. We did two segments. The first one was titled "Keys to a Successful Marriage".
On air I promised to include the specifics of the interview on this blog. I hope the following provides all the information you need. If you have any questions, please let me know.
My interview was with Pastor Eugene Norris. He asked the following questions.
I. What would you say are the most important things in a Marriage?
It’s a huge subject and there’s a lot of material to cover for this question, but let me give you the top five things I feel are vitally important.
1. Marry the right person for you. Most couples slide into marriage thinking they can change whatever is wrong after they are settled in their own home. Unfortunately marriage highlights our shortcomings it doesn’t erase them. Spend as much time talking as you can. Find out how they feel about different scenarios. Ask what they would do if...... Make sure you know their heart and mind. Marriage is more about living with the daily grind than it is about romance.
2. Don’t marry for love. What? Strange thought but it’s true. If you know the person doesn’t suit you but you’ve bought into the thought that love covers a multitude of sins – you are in for a rude awakening. The only love that covers problems is a mother’s love and God’s love. For the rest of us, when there’s a problem love is the first one out the door. Marry because everything else is in place. Respect, honor, life goals, principles. Once those are in place then love is the icing on the cake. Love enhances everything but it can’t be the cake.
3. Apply the Golden rule. 95% of the arguments that lead to divorce would stop if the participants would apply the golden rule by agreeing that – "I will only do to you what I want done to me."
4. Elevate the good points. Concentrate on what’s right in your marriage. Build a base of all the good things and then work out from there.
5. Compassionately forgive and work on bad points …together! Not separate, not standing back and waiting for your spouse to change, but work together with compassion.
II. 50% of marriages end in divorce, can you give us some reasons?
Again there are many reasons but lets tackle the top 5
1. Too many couples want a fairytale. They entered marriage with starry eyes and when the rude awakening came, they weren’t prepared. Most people put more thought and planning into choosing a car than in choosing a mate. With so little research it's silly when they appear shocked because they don’t fit.
2. Finances are huge. If you built your marriage on what you have rather than on being with that other person, you probably won’t survive the first year of setting up your home. Think back to when divorce was only one in 20. Think back to the 40's. Times were tough especially after the war. Yet most marriages survived. Most couples were happy living in one room with a bed, dresser and a two burner hot plate. Why? Because they were building on their relationship not on what they had. If you build your relationship on what you have rather than who you are or how much you love them - it will be a difficult roller coaster ride.
3. Spoiled Brats make lousy partners. No one can do all the sacrificing. Marriage is supposed to be two people shouldering the load together. If you have to carry your load and theirs – you will crash. If I am channel surfing and land for even a moment on these programs about crazy brides or spoiled brats - I wind up yelling at the groom as if he could hear me "Run man....run away as fast as you can!"
4. Most couples don’t know how to disagree. They make it personal rather than making their disagreement about the problem. Most arguments end up being about what the spouse isn't doing or some bad habit they have rather than about the real problem. If stress at work is eating at you - don't fuss because your husband isn't helping around the house. Make the argument about the problem not the person.
5. Your marriage will end in divorce if your partner likes to take the easy road. Marriage is hard, requires work and commitment. Someone who easily gives up will not pay the price needed for a good marriage.
III. Give us a few principles that we can apply to hurting or damaged marriages.
There have been volumes written on this topic, but I have my favorite top five.
1. Pray. Praying brings you under submission and helps you to be willing to ask the hard questions. Praying puts you in a submissive mode. Praying opens your mind to questions and answers from all directions not just your own.
2. Be honest about your part of the problem and work at solving your half.
Be careful if there is abuse. A controlling abuser can make you feel that you are totally responsible for all the problems. For truly abusive situations you must remove yourself. It’s impossible to work on changing abuse if you are still in the middle of the situation. An abused person can't see the truth or who is really at fault. Remove yourself from the situation and get help to "honestly" judge the problems.
3. Stop all bashing and begin promoting good points. Lift your spouse higher. I love the book by Wellington Boon titled Your wife is not your mama. I instruct couples that this book isn't just for men. It only works when both couples are consistently trying to life the other spouse as high as they can. Being unselfish is the only way to support your partner.
4. Find a project that you both love and do it together. Nothing begins to solve marriage issues like working on a project together. After all, over 3/4th of affairs at work happen because two people are thrown together to work on a project. Find something that the two of you can enjoy and work on together and it will bring out the best in your relationship.
5. Have some fun. Dating is all about fun and too many married couples forget to have fun together.
I hope this gives you a quick look at some things you can do to help your marriage. If your group or church seems to be having too many marital issues - check out my classes. I would love to come and speak on this or any other subject.
God loves you,
On air I promised to include the specifics of the interview on this blog. I hope the following provides all the information you need. If you have any questions, please let me know.
My interview was with Pastor Eugene Norris. He asked the following questions.
I. What would you say are the most important things in a Marriage?
It’s a huge subject and there’s a lot of material to cover for this question, but let me give you the top five things I feel are vitally important.
1. Marry the right person for you. Most couples slide into marriage thinking they can change whatever is wrong after they are settled in their own home. Unfortunately marriage highlights our shortcomings it doesn’t erase them. Spend as much time talking as you can. Find out how they feel about different scenarios. Ask what they would do if...... Make sure you know their heart and mind. Marriage is more about living with the daily grind than it is about romance.
2. Don’t marry for love. What? Strange thought but it’s true. If you know the person doesn’t suit you but you’ve bought into the thought that love covers a multitude of sins – you are in for a rude awakening. The only love that covers problems is a mother’s love and God’s love. For the rest of us, when there’s a problem love is the first one out the door. Marry because everything else is in place. Respect, honor, life goals, principles. Once those are in place then love is the icing on the cake. Love enhances everything but it can’t be the cake.
3. Apply the Golden rule. 95% of the arguments that lead to divorce would stop if the participants would apply the golden rule by agreeing that – "I will only do to you what I want done to me."
4. Elevate the good points. Concentrate on what’s right in your marriage. Build a base of all the good things and then work out from there.
5. Compassionately forgive and work on bad points …together! Not separate, not standing back and waiting for your spouse to change, but work together with compassion.
II. 50% of marriages end in divorce, can you give us some reasons?
Again there are many reasons but lets tackle the top 5
1. Too many couples want a fairytale. They entered marriage with starry eyes and when the rude awakening came, they weren’t prepared. Most people put more thought and planning into choosing a car than in choosing a mate. With so little research it's silly when they appear shocked because they don’t fit.
2. Finances are huge. If you built your marriage on what you have rather than on being with that other person, you probably won’t survive the first year of setting up your home. Think back to when divorce was only one in 20. Think back to the 40's. Times were tough especially after the war. Yet most marriages survived. Most couples were happy living in one room with a bed, dresser and a two burner hot plate. Why? Because they were building on their relationship not on what they had. If you build your relationship on what you have rather than who you are or how much you love them - it will be a difficult roller coaster ride.
3. Spoiled Brats make lousy partners. No one can do all the sacrificing. Marriage is supposed to be two people shouldering the load together. If you have to carry your load and theirs – you will crash. If I am channel surfing and land for even a moment on these programs about crazy brides or spoiled brats - I wind up yelling at the groom as if he could hear me "Run man....run away as fast as you can!"
4. Most couples don’t know how to disagree. They make it personal rather than making their disagreement about the problem. Most arguments end up being about what the spouse isn't doing or some bad habit they have rather than about the real problem. If stress at work is eating at you - don't fuss because your husband isn't helping around the house. Make the argument about the problem not the person.
5. Your marriage will end in divorce if your partner likes to take the easy road. Marriage is hard, requires work and commitment. Someone who easily gives up will not pay the price needed for a good marriage.
III. Give us a few principles that we can apply to hurting or damaged marriages.
There have been volumes written on this topic, but I have my favorite top five.
1. Pray. Praying brings you under submission and helps you to be willing to ask the hard questions. Praying puts you in a submissive mode. Praying opens your mind to questions and answers from all directions not just your own.
2. Be honest about your part of the problem and work at solving your half.
Be careful if there is abuse. A controlling abuser can make you feel that you are totally responsible for all the problems. For truly abusive situations you must remove yourself. It’s impossible to work on changing abuse if you are still in the middle of the situation. An abused person can't see the truth or who is really at fault. Remove yourself from the situation and get help to "honestly" judge the problems.
3. Stop all bashing and begin promoting good points. Lift your spouse higher. I love the book by Wellington Boon titled Your wife is not your mama. I instruct couples that this book isn't just for men. It only works when both couples are consistently trying to life the other spouse as high as they can. Being unselfish is the only way to support your partner.
4. Find a project that you both love and do it together. Nothing begins to solve marriage issues like working on a project together. After all, over 3/4th of affairs at work happen because two people are thrown together to work on a project. Find something that the two of you can enjoy and work on together and it will bring out the best in your relationship.
5. Have some fun. Dating is all about fun and too many married couples forget to have fun together.
I hope this gives you a quick look at some things you can do to help your marriage. If your group or church seems to be having too many marital issues - check out my classes. I would love to come and speak on this or any other subject.
God loves you,
The following Posts deal with Marriage....
Debbie's interview on TBN fall 2009
Debbie's TBN interview about the economy's impact on the family
Debbie's interview on TBN fall 2009
Debbie's TBN interview about the economy's impact on the family
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Picture of a real leader
What is the difference between real leadership and lip service? It seems to be a mystery that liberals just can't solve. Conservatives get it! We know that it's about truth, honor, compassion and true concern for the little guy. Another name for it is class.
While Mr. Obama is sending a shout out to friends, pretending to think about the requests by generals in Iraq and stumping for his pet peeve - government take over of health care - which most Ameircans don't want.....A real leader does the right thing!
Last night Former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura decided they wanted to once again do the right thing. They called the base commander at Fort Hood and asked to visit the victims. In keeping with their character and their true compassion - they asked that the press coverage of their visit be suspended. Instead, they spent "considerable time" consoling those who were wounded in Thursday's shooting spree
The Bushes entered and departed the sprawling military facility in total secrecy.
Fox news reported that the couple was described as "deeply concerned" about military families. The Bushes, who have a 1,600-acre property known as Prairie Chapel Ranch less than 30 miles from Fort Hood in central Texas, spent between one and two hours visiting the wounded and their families.I don't understand liberal nuts who have a problem with the Bushes. They did so many wonderful things for this country. The best thing of all about them was their compassion and concern for each individual victim in any situation. This picture brings tears to my eyes. God bless you President and Laura Bush.
God loves you,
Saturday, November 7, 2009
This is scary....
I don't even need to comment on this. It's his own words.
God have mercy on us.....God have mercy....
God loves you,
God have mercy on us.....God have mercy....
God loves you,
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Commander in Cruelty
Just after the 9/11 attacks President Bush took all of three minutes to make sure that children in 1st grade would not be alarmed. He finished reading a short little book, excused himself and then hurried to make an off the cuff announcement to calm the nation. His thoughts were to protect children and to calm his country.
Yesterday 13 of our brightest and finest preparing to deploy to fight for our freedom lost their lives in a brutal and horrible attack. For three hours Mr. Obama hid himself in a conference that was discussing the care of Indians. I have nothing against Indians. But even if I had a one on one with a president, even if I was sitting in his office....if the news of a tragedy came in - I would WANT him to say, "Excuse me, I need to take care of this." That's part of his job! Yesterday, Mr. Obama again proved that he doesn't care what happens to the general public. As long as someone isn't shooting at him he's fine with what's going on.
When newscasters announced that the President would "finally" speak, I was expecting a comforting, kind, understanding speech. Instead, while broken and hurting family members waited for words of understanding, he does a shout out to someone in the conference. It was as if he had no concern whatsoever for the hurting families or families that were still under lockdown.
I was appalled and frustrated as I screamed at the TV. Apparently I wasn't alone. In an article by Robert A George he recounted Obama's frightening insensitivity following the shooting. A-Disconnected-President
Perhaps you would like to decide for yourself...
God have mercy on us,
God loves you,
Yesterday 13 of our brightest and finest preparing to deploy to fight for our freedom lost their lives in a brutal and horrible attack. For three hours Mr. Obama hid himself in a conference that was discussing the care of Indians. I have nothing against Indians. But even if I had a one on one with a president, even if I was sitting in his office....if the news of a tragedy came in - I would WANT him to say, "Excuse me, I need to take care of this." That's part of his job! Yesterday, Mr. Obama again proved that he doesn't care what happens to the general public. As long as someone isn't shooting at him he's fine with what's going on.
When newscasters announced that the President would "finally" speak, I was expecting a comforting, kind, understanding speech. Instead, while broken and hurting family members waited for words of understanding, he does a shout out to someone in the conference. It was as if he had no concern whatsoever for the hurting families or families that were still under lockdown.
I was appalled and frustrated as I screamed at the TV. Apparently I wasn't alone. In an article by Robert A George he recounted Obama's frightening insensitivity following the shooting. A-Disconnected-President
Perhaps you would like to decide for yourself...
God have mercy on us,
God loves you,
The Value of One Life

In your busy days and as you prepare for the holidays I encourage you to go on her website and read the story of this courageous young girl. It will humble you. It will inspire you and I hope it will help you to see the "really" important things in your own life.
She is at death's door and the family really needs your prayers. Almost 613,000 people have visited her site. I encourage you to do so today.
God loves you,
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