Did you know that there are over 211 references to the word "afraid" in the Bible? There are 5 references to the word "anxious" and 260 references to the word "fear".
Are you afraid? Do you worry about the future? Do you wonder if God is going to help you when times get hard?
Don't be Afraid! When Jesus arrived at the last supper, he washed the disciples feet. In John 13 he told his disciples to wash each other's feet. In other words, take care of each other. Later in that chapter he identifies his betrayer, he gives his disciples a new commandment to "love one another and he predicts Peter's denial.
In one chapter he is both teaching his disciples to take care of each other and he is recognizing their faults.That's a huge concept!
So many times when we are hurting or afraid we convince ourselves that God will not rescue us because we have faults. "He won't help me, it's my fault this bankruptcy came about." "God's not going to help me, I should have never married an unsaved person." "I don't think God cares anymore because I'm such a bad person."
STOP relying on your works! God cares and God is able to rescue you. In John chapter 14 - right after he has acknowledged the faults of his disciples, Jesus gives this command in verse one.
"Let not your heart be trouble; you believe in God, believe also in Me." After some discussion about where he was going and how they could follow him the disciples were afraid. They were worried that without him they wouldn't be able to survive. So Jesus spent six verses reminding them of his peace. In verse 27 Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
Jesus knew the future. Jesus knew the angry cries of the people and that it would lead to his own death. Jesus knew that for a while the message of hope would be drenched in darkness. Jesus knew that all the demons of Hell would be rejoicing and would think that they had killed Christianity.
Sound familiar? Don't we hear the cries of ministers and right wing people that destruction is on our doorstep? Don't we listen to the news and the liberal bias against Christians and wonder if we will be persecuted like the Jews during WWII? The future does not look pretty and yet....we don't have the perspective that Jesus had.
I wonder if when his head was bowed low and he refused to answer Pilate if he was thinking, "I feel sorry for you. I know the future. Your accusations are false and they will be proven wrong."
I am praying for faith that will help me see the future that Jesus saw. What will life be like 5 years from now? My human nature tells me it will be dark and awful, but....faith tells me that God can and will move heaven and earth to protect his children! In that context, 5 years from now will find me loving God more and excited that He is my deliverer.
Am I ready financially to face this bleak economy? No. Is God ready to provide unseen answers for my finances - Absolutely!
Am I ready to fight the liberal media and the battle against Christianity? No. Is God able to change it with one swoop of His mighty Hand? Absolutely!
I don't know what you are facing today, but I am confident that you can survive if you stay close to God.
My mother wrote a very popular song. "I don't need to understand" has been recorded by several popular christian singers and it has gone international in publication. The chorus says:
I don't need to understand
I just need to hold his hand
I don't need to ever ask the reason why
For I know he'll make a way
Through the night and through the day
I don't need to understand
I just need to hold his hand.
http://www.pastorken.com/Music/Music.htmlI hope you enjoy listening to the entire song. Today I will pray for all of us that we will live by Jesus command.
"Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
God loves you,Debbie