Once upon a time I had a daycare in my home. I had three teenage/college students living in my home. I was trying to write and trying to maintain a well-kept home. There was little time for anything and practically no time for reading or studying.
It was almost as if I was in a bubble, just doing what was the most necessary every day in order to raise my children (and those in my daycare) and provide for my family.
Do you ever feel that way? Do you ever look at the news and say to yourself, "I know that's terrible but it will have to wait." Or "I can't be bothered with that right now, I have to take care of little Mary."
In the first half of the 20th Century you could trust America to uphold decency. A parent was saddled with one task....raise your child to be a credit to society. Your government and the general mass of people were working hard to provide a "clean, hard working, God fearing nation" for all it's inhabitants.
I understand why you don't want to spend time thinking about laws, governors, economist and liberals. It's frustrating and confusing. It takes study and will probably require you to write letters or send e-mails. And then there's the nagging question...."I'm just a mom, what can I do?"
I feel it too. I want to talk about temper tantrums, teething and dating. I want to be positive and helpful. I want to encourage and get excited about potty training and teaching faith to your child. But....the big bad wolf is drawing in his breath and doing all he can to blow our house down. How can I or you, continue to turn our heads when the roof of our home is in danger?
Parents we must Unite! Don't believe me? Did you know that Pelosi told Stephanopoulos on Sunday that the economy would be better served if people quit having children? In other words, your children are just a drag on the United States and their economy. That goes along with the statement made by Mr. Obama that abortion would be the only solution if his teenage daughter became pregnant. "I wouldn't want to cause her to suffer because of a mistake." Since when is bringing life into this world a mistake? What's next? Will Pelosi & Obama eventually want to impose sterilization to further their economic plan? How does that fit with Pelosi's own lifestyle of 5 children and a private jet?
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi boldly defended a move to add birth control funding to the new economic "stimulus" package, claiming "contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government."
Pelosi, the mother of 5 children and 6 grandchildren, who once said, "Nothing in my life will ever, ever compare to being a mom," seemed to imply babies are somehow a burden on the treasury.
The revelation came during an exchange Sunday morning on ABC's THIS WEEK.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?
PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.
STEPHANOPOULOS: So no apologies for that?
PELOSI: No apologies. No. we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.
I appreciate what Barbara Curtis has to say about this in her blog. I encourage you to click over and read it.
Please parents, let's unite and get on with the business of letting our government know that we want a decent place - a Christian place - to raise our children. If we don't protect their future, who will? It is the greatest of all our parenting responsibilities - to protect our children and their future.
God loves you,
Click on all pictures in the sidebar to get the most from this blog. Pastor's Corner : Submit questions for three pastors - The Christian: Specific traits found in the true Christian - Abuse: An ongoing discussion of all forms of abuse - God's House: A study of God's demands on the church body - and many more.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Politics vs. Parenting

I like to be honest, even in my daydreaming. I was thinking about my childhood in the 50's and 60's. What a wonderful time it was!
I remember soft ball games on a steamy Saturday afternoon. I remember sitting on the front porch with a slice of cold watermelon and being told that nice little girls didn't spit the seeds. I remember listening to classical music and letting my emotion rise and fall with the swells and power of the music. It was as if I were being carried on a wonderful boat ride over great waves and into calmer waters. I remember laying in the grass and watching the clouds go by.
Sunday's were fun and exciting. I had clothes that were only worn on Sunday because we dressed our best to attend "God's Home". My friends and I sat on the third row, giggled and laughed as we hashed over the week. We sang at the top of our lungs and each made a commitment to a journey with God. Sunday lunch was a home cooked meal that would rival the best restaurant. 90% of the time we shared that great meal with some family from the church. After helping Mom with the dishes we would take an afternoon nap and return to church for an amazing evening service of testimonies and prayer.
We weren't consumed with television. In fact, there was always something more interesting to do, but...we often watched the news or a funny variety show. Red Skelton and Andy Griffith were some of my favorites.
We knew there was a war in Vietnam. We knew there was trouble in Washington and we knew hippies were promoting drugs and finding their way into crime. Even with all the problems we faced, what the media won't tell you is that there was an overwhelming desire rising from the public. That desire was to be "decent" and to protect "innocence". Public outrage was at it's highest when some criminal had abused or hurt an innocent child or a group of Christians or a helpless woman. When those things happened, it wasn't the criminals rights the public worried about - instead, the officials had to worry about isolating that criminal. If they didn't he most likely would be killed by other inmates or someone from the general public.
Unfortunately that is not today's America. Today, America protects criminals and sues the innocent. Before you get discouraged, there is hope.
Please Debbie, tell me where!
Our hope for a better America is living in your home. You have the power to change America by how you raise your child. You are designing the future by what you teach and promote in your home. Want an example? I'll give you a million examples.
Every adults actions and attitudes began in the home they were raised in. Contemporary psychology wants you to believe that as a parent you have no influence over your child. Once they reach teen years they will "always" rebel and therefore nothing you do prior to that really matters. So....parents relax and slide their way through those parenting years.
When the world changes for the worse parents shrug it off as something they couldn't prevent. However, when their adult child goes in for counseling - what is the first question a counselor will ask? What type of relationship did you have with your parents.?!
Wait a minute! You can't have it both ways. If a parent doesn't have the power to change a life, then he shouldn't be blamed when the life goes wrong.
That's the trouble - You do have the power. And unfortunately we have sat on that power way too long and now the world has major problems. We can't afford to sit around anymore. We have to be concerned about politics because we MUST retain our right to raise a "decent" adult. We MUST be concerned about the laws Washington is making because they will either help our cause or hurt it. If we continue to go about our merry way without paying attention to the world around us - the sea of devastated lives will overtake us.
It's a big job and yet I promise you it's a fulfilling one.
"All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke
"Tolerating evil leads only to more evil. And when good people stand by and do nothing while wickedness reigns, their communities will be consumed." Bob Riley
How will America change? By the choices of those young children living in your home! And you must teach and train them. It's a big job, but you can do it! I know you can.
How do I know? One by one our young children are leading the way. Today I heard about a young man who is undergoing severe attacks because of his beliefs. McKay Hatch is only 14. Yet, he's received over 60,000 hate e-mails, threats on his life and his families life and promises of beatings. For what? Because he believes the world will be a better place if we don't cuss. I saw him on Fox today and when the reporter asked him if he was scared he replied, "Sure, but I'm not going to let a bully tell me what to think or how to act. I can't let the bullies win!"
Wow! What courage and what a fine job those parents are doing. McKay is making a difference. Over 30,000 people have signed a commitment not to cuss.
Our nation is consumed with bad attitudes, angry language and lifestyle of hate - and our government is promoting that we allow that type of behavior in the name of freedom of speech.
When I'm out shopping I hear parents yelling obscenities at their children and I worry about the personal mental attacks that poor child has to endure. How childish. How abusive.
How can we let a 14 year old child take up our fight? I encourage you to go to his website and support the work he's doing. http://www.nocussing.com/
And, my struggling parent....I know you are busy. I know you are worried about how you are going to survive the financial crisis. How are you going to get through another day of wearing 8 different hats and feeling like a failure at all of them? I PROMISE WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER.
You can be informed and raise your children. You can find time for rest and relaxation. You can raise a healthy, dedicated and happy child. Join me in the pledge to "raise" a better America. I'm here. We can do this together. I have answers and together we can change the world!
God loves you,
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
President & Mrs. Laura Bush - A Class Act

Many spinners in the news have complained that President Bush wasn't good at making speeches. They used that "sort of" flaw as a reason not to believe in what he was doing. The problem with that type of philosophy is that speeches won't get the work done. Most of the time speeches are just a lot of hot air that delegates the work to someone else. What I looked for in a good president is his resolve to honorable policies. In that regard, President Bush must be given a grade of 100%.
What the hype spinners missed is the class act that left the White House. That's the problem with bullies in the news service. They have been so cruel and insensitive to the real needs of this country that they created a situation in which true class and a job well done can't be seen. Like a smoke screen they created a mist that hid the success and focused on their own spin of lies. Let's take a few minutes to highlight and praise the valor and successes of President Bush and Laura Bush.
First of all, no one has any idea - especially reporters and liberal spoiled brats - of all the secret classified information only privy to the President. It is very possible that he was never allowed to share information that impacted his decisions. Have you ever had a friend who blasted away at your decisions but had no idea about the private challenges and problems you faced at home. I've had friends do that and it adds an unbelievable stress. It's hard to keep going when you know you have been judged unfairly. I think that's why President Bush has repeatedly said that history will judge him differently because they will be removed enough to objectively see his reasons.
In his Farewell address he said, "As the years passed, most Americans were able to return to life much as it had been before 9/11. But I never did. Every morning, I received a briefing on the threats to our nation. I vowed to do everything in my power to keep us safe." He went on to say, "There is legitimate debate about many of these decisions. But there can be little debate about the result. America has gone more than seven years without another terrorist attack on our soil."
For me...that has been the single most important issue. 9/11 terrified me. After listening to Brigitte Gabriel and reading her book - Because they Hate - it's evident that radical Islam will not stop until we are either dead or under their control. To know there was a dedicated man in the White House working hard to prevent another attack, was the only reason I slept at night.
President Bush's attempt to give the Christian world a way to help the secular world was also huge. The faith based initiative not only brought financial help to struggling charities but also gave them legitimacy. His commitment to marriage, the family, education and many other programs of moral direction assured me that he was on the side of Christians everywhere.
Yes, there were some decisions I didn't understand, but then....I didn't have all the information either. And since I wasn't reading the same classified papers he read - I had to look for other ways to judge him.
To me, the most important trait of any president is compassion for individuals. A president who only sees me as part of a large mass of people is never going to do what's right for me. President and Laura Bush can be described as "the individuals" president and first lady.

Look at his face....there's deep resolve and concern there. But once he turns his head, he's facing small children that would be scared if he cut and run. Instead, like Jesus being concerned for the tiny doves when he overturned the tables in the temple, Bush chose to be careful with those precious children. He continued to read and then left as soon as he could.

How we all rejoiced when he announced that we would not take this attack lying down. How we all appreciated his resolve to not only prevent another attack but clean out the criminal hide outs of other countries. He understood that if we don't take the fight to them - they will return the fight here. How comforting to have a president that is more concerned about my personal safety than he is about offending evil attackers.
The greatest test of his success in this area is the viewpoint of the Armed Services he commands. They were on the front lines. They not only knew the risks but they saw with their own eyes whether or not President Bush was right to send them into another country. I remember sitting beside a young soldier during a plane ride. He was home on leave from Iraq. We talked during most of that trip. I asked him if he thought President Bush was right to send him there.
"Of course he was. I've learned some of the language and can talk with local folks. They are so glad we are there and if they build a relationship with you, they will turn in other militants. I've personally witnessed bomb making equipment and other essential weapons that I'm not allowed to tell you about. All I can say is that if we aren't there, they will hit us again."
Have you ever talked to the media about this?
He laughed, "Talk to the media - what a joke! We hate the media. We avoid them if at all possible. We have to get a direct order to talk to them or we refuse."
He laughed, "Talk to the media - what a joke! We hate the media. We avoid them if at all possible. We have to get a direct order to talk to them or we refuse."
"They edit everything we say to turn it around to their viewpoint."
Do you like President Bush?
He turned his head for a moment. When he turned back he had a tear in his eye. "I think he's the greatest president we've ever had. Not only would I follow him anywhere - I'd die for him."
The conversation drifted off from there. What more was there to say? Look at these pictures and see how much his soldiers loved him and how concerned he was for every individual soldier.
Do you remember this run with a soldier he met at one of the hospitals? All the soldier asked was that when he received his prosthesis that he could take a run with the President. What a goal to strive for. What a gracious president to take the time to highlight the achievements of this soldier.
How inspiring to wake up Thanksgiving morning and find out that our president flew all night to spend Thanksgiving with his troops. Did anyone in media really understand what a sacrifice this was for him and his family?

Again he made another surprise visit to Iraq in 2007. Every time he's with the troops you
can see the joy on their faces. President Bush was a president committed to his people. I remember how he talked with participants during the Olympics. He loved people and found hope and courage everywhere he went. And when there was despair, he did his best to encourage that person.

He continually invited people to the White House. I received an e-mail that unfortunately I didn't copy. It was so memorable I've never forgotten it. A man traveled with his community service group to Washington. They were granted a time to meet President Bush and shake his hand. They were all cautioned that time would be limited and to just let him pass down the line quickly.
This great man - pushed to limit with his time - graciously shook every one's hand. When he shook the hand of one gentleman he asked, "How are you today?"
"Okay, I guess." The president frowned at the response and asked what was wrong.
"My mom is in the hospital. I hope you will remember her in your prayers."
"My mom is in the hospital. I hope you will remember her in your prayers."
President Bush smiled and patted him on the back. He went down the line shaking every one's hand. Before they were dismissed he whispered to his secretary who asked this gentleman to follow the President into his office. There, President Bush asked for a number where he could call his mother. He not only talked with her, but he prayed with both of them.
How amazing for a busy President to care so much for the individuals he served. I still don't understand how Christians could abandon a man of faithful prayer.
Many in the press said that he had a flippant attitude or that he wasn't serious enough. I believe that President Bush simply found good in those around him and that he surrounded his life with prayer. That will make anyone feel positive and hopeful about our future.
His entire presidency was filled with disasters. And with each disaster he was there with compassion and direction. The press and obviously unmotivated people still want to yell about Katrina. But there again they don't have the facts. It was governmental law that prevented him from reacting until the Mayor and Governor of the affected states asked for help. Once they did ask, Bush was there. 

As a child, I lived about four blocks from where this picture was taken. I will never forget the walk he took with these girls or the way he held them as they cried. He didn't have to do that. He could have simply shook their hands. Instead he administered comfort and a promise that he would help.

Google President Bush pictures during any of the tragedies we've faced and you will find him touching people. His strong arms wrapped around some distraught mother or giving a confused father a warm embrace. President Bush cared about our struggles.
The one picture you won't find is him turning away from someone that needed him. He was generous in his compassion for other people's pain. When one woman gave him her son's fireman's badge, he promised to carry it with him everywhere. During one speech he pulled it from his pocket and displayed it for everyone to see.

President Bush and Laura were classy, compassionate and kind. They helped this nation pray our way through eight difficult and harsh years. I will never forget their love for all of us, their prayers and their devotion to a better America. I couldn't love them more if we were related.
In his farewell address President Bush said he was not going to have a pity party and ask, "Why me, Lord? Why did all these tragedies have to happen while I was president?" Instead, he said he was going to thank God for the opportunity to serve the American people. Now that's maturity and class.
For an incoming administration that called him every ugly name in the book, he made the transition not only smooth but cordial as well. He left Washington with dignity and grace.
I've written several letters and cards to President Bush during his administration and I've always received a response in return. While I'm sure it was not generated directly from him, I appreciate that his orders to his staff included a response to me. I will continue to let him know that I appreciate his service and his love for this country. As he gets some much needed time alone and much needed family support - I will continue to pray for him and thank God that I lived in the time of his administration.
God bless President and Laura Bush,

Monday, January 19, 2009
95.5 The Fish

America has become difficult for Chrisitian parents. We all worry about the issues our children will face when they leave the safety of our homes and face that outside world - alone.
Well, not totally alone of course. God is there and memories of us will guide them. Most of the time they rely on the internal character that was carefully built by the enviornment in their home. It was shaped with the music they listened to, the books they read and the parenting they received.
It's hard for parents to strike that balance between giving their child a reason to connect with others in school and providing protection from things we know will hurt them. Music and radio stations have become a source of great stress for many parents.
95.5 The Fish to the rescue! http://www.955thefish.com/
If you can't get them on your radio, you can listen to them on the internet. They have wonderful hosts and terrific programs. My personal favorite is the morning show with Brooke, Len and Mark.
If you tune in regularly, you will be able to take a deep breath and leave the worries about your children behind. The contemporary style of music will appeal to your children and the "all Christian" content will leave you smiling with confidence.
I was on the morning show with Brooke, Len and Mark today. What a fun group! And check it out - Brooke heads up the Mom Squad. You can click on the Mom Squad box on the main page or go to their blog at http://www.themomsquad.blogspot.com/
Have fun!
God loves you,
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
God's design for "The Family"

This morning he pushed to get up early and participate in a phone conference for his work. He waited to take his pain medication so he would be clear headed. I could see the pain and struggle on his face.
Once it was over, I sat beside him on the bed and told him how very proud I was of his determination to get through this. He hasn't complained or fussed even once. He lets me know when he's in pain and needs medication. He said he wished it hadn't happened, but there hasn't been even one moment of anger or frustration. He hasn't yelled at anyone or acted out of sorts. He has been patient and kind and full of the grace of God.
As I praised him, I started crying. A small tear fell to the side of his eye. He smiled and told me how much he loved me. We hugged each other as we felt the love roll around us. This was not a sensual moment - it was totally a mental realization of how much we loved each other.
That moment.....that precious moment....was a great blessing to both of us. We were lost in love and felt gratitude and respect for each other. We felt blessed and content. If nothing else in the world was right, at that moment - we were right - and it felt good.
Ron is taking a nap and I'm looking out my office window at a gray snowy day. I thought of all the wonderful friends I have and how much you have meant to me. If I could give you all a present - a gift so huge it would prove how much I appreciate you - what would it be?
I thought of Ron and smiled. I wish I could help all of you feel what I felt this morning. Our family isn't perfect by any means, but I hope at least once in your life you experience a precious moment of pure love.
God's design for a loving family surely includes a lifetime of those special moments. Moments when your contentment and joy can't be contained. Moments that take your breath away with the warm touch of overflowing love. Like a mountain stream it trickles through your body cleansing everything in it's path, touching each little crevice with clear clean goodness.
I prayed for a quick way to help you understand what we experienced and how you can achieve it. I settled on one book in the Bible and one piece of advice.
Too many Christians forget that the Bible is not only a road map to live the Christian life - but it is a road map to a healthy and loving family. Every commandment the Bible has for your personal life, should also be carried out in your family life. Whatever "thou shalt nots" are proper for your personal life - those should also apply to your family life.
For example, if the Bible says you shouldn't lie - don't lie to your children or your spouse. Don't steal family time from your children. If it's wrong to cuss at the pastor then it's wrong to get angry and cuss at your wife. If it's wrong to mistreat a co-worker then it's wrong to mistreat your child. If you wouldn't pitch an angry fit with your friends, then it's wrong for you to pitch a fit with your family.
Husbands and Fathers - if it's wrong for you to own a slave - then it's wrong for you to treat your wife and children as slaves. If it's right - as the Bible says - that as a Christian you are to give to others - then it's right for you to sacrifice and give to your family.
Wives and Mothers - if it's right for you to go the extra mile for the women's group at church - then it's right for you to go the extra mile for your family. If you wouldn't dare scream at your Sunday school teacher, then don't you dare scream at your husband or child. And if the Bible says that jealousy is more cruel than the grave - don't you dare let it into your home.
I love the book of Philippians. I've displayed the following verses on my refrigerator for over 15 years. I've only taken it down several times to retype it on clean paper. Listen for the messages about families in these verses. As you read these verses think about how they apply to your relationship with your family.
1:6 Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
1:9-12 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ -- to the glory and praise of God.
Now I want you to know brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.
1:14 Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.
1:18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.
1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
1:24 But it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.
1:27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will k now that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for that faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you.
2:1-4 If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
2:12-18 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed -- not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence - continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.
Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life -- in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing. But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.
2:29 Welcome him in the Lord with great joy, and honor men like him, because he almost died for the work of Christ, risking his life to make up for the help you could not give me.
3:8-9 What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith.
3:13....Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
3:16 Only let us live up to what we have already attained.
3:17-20.....I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, the god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.....
4:4-9 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me -- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
4:12 I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
WOW! Any family putting this book into practice will be successful! I am writing a booklet explaining how each verse relates to family life. You can pre-order the 16 page booklet by sending me an e-mail and asking for "The Philippians Family".
God loves you,
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Yippie! I proved it!

I think the worst thing a person can ever do with their life is to believe a lie.
At some point the lie will reveal the deception and most of the time, it's too late to turn back. I also believe that God is the God of second chances - but it seems like a much better idea to live by TRUTH the first time around.
Many years ago there was an elderly woman that loved her Bible. She read it through many times. She loved to sit in her rocking chair, covered with her favorite Afghan, sipping a cup of tea and reading cherished scriptures. She was a kind woman who made many friends during her life. Her children sought her advice and treasured every moment with her.
When she died they held on to her Bible as if it were a link to her spirit. The leather cover was worn soft and frayed on the edges. The cover had only a light imprint where her name was once stamped in gold. Her son carefully opened the precious book looking for some favorite verse he could quote at her funeral. Beside hundreds of verses his mother had carefully written....."T&P" followed by a date. He wiped the tears from his eyes and browsed the entire Bible looking for a clue for the meaning of "T&P". Was it a reference to a particular verse? Maybe it was some one's initials? Was it code for some spiritual truth?
The entire family unit began a discussion on the meaning of this strange code. At the viewing her son was talking with her minister about his mother's wonderful Christian example. Several members of the family unit didn't share her enthusiasm, but they all respected it. He mentioned the Bible mystery. The older minister smiled and put his hand on the young man's arm. "Your mother was seeking TRUTH in her walk with God. She wanted to know that she could trust Him and that His word was true."
Her son rubbed the cover of the old Bible. "She always talked about God's word being true and we thought about the first letter standing for truth but that doesn't explain the "P"."
The minister smiled and wiped a tear from his own eyes. "It's not a code. It's research that you can build your life on. Your mother's life was filled with disappointments, pain and sorrow. She weathered many storms both with your father and without. She was blessed and she was afflicted. She remained faithful during times of plenty and times when she went without in order to feed her children. She was both strong and weak. She laughed and she cried. Through all of her life she found strength in one thing - her faith. Her faith kept her hopeful when everything around her was hope-less. She truly believed that God was her best friend and would help her survive anything life chose to throw at her."
All her family members gathered in a circle listening to the minister's explanation. Some were crying and some were repenting. Some were looking at the floor while others rejoiced in their own faith. "But pastor, we still wish we knew the meaning."
Every heart was touched and forever changed when the pastor softly revealed the code, "Tested and Proven." The minister crossed his arms and waited for the message to sink in. "She wrote Tested and Proven by every verse she found to be true. Every time your mother went through a trial, she found a verse and claimed it as her own. When God revealed his plan to her, she wrote Tested and Proven. She included the date as a marker so you could remember and rejoice with her."
The son gripped the Bible with a new heart. Each verse could now be recalled as a testimony - not only of God's love and power but also how that love was played out in his mother's life.
I've been telling you for the last month that we can survive anything with God's power. He is not a doddering old grandfather that sits in the sky. He is alive and able to provide everything we need to survive. I'm not talking about money or success, I'm talking about strength. Strength to survive every day and every problem no matter what life hands out.
One week ago today I drove my Dad to the hospital with chest pains. My son Ken stayed with Ron for two days while the rest of us kept watch over Dad (Papaw) at the hospital. Dad came home on Sunday evening and the next morning I was back at the hospital with Ron. His surgery was last in the day so it was a long wait. His surgery took almost two hours. When they finally allowed me in the recovery room, Ron was in terrible pain. They explained that they were worried about his breathing and couldn't give him the same medication dosage they would give other patients.
Ron was crying and in such physical pain, they were worried about other complications. I was sick with worry and left the recovery room and fell into Amie's arms in tears. The doctor explained that the break was much worse than he thought. Ron not only had three breaks to his leg and ankle, but had completely ripped the muscles, tendons and ligaments from his ankle and leg. The two bones in his ankle were actually free floating and not attached to the ankle at all.
My heart sank as I listened to the problems and issues we would need to face. Ron has always been such a strong man and one that craves outdoor activities. My heart broke for him and the road ahead. I stayed at the hospital as they tried to regulate his medication. I only left the room long enough to make a call or cry in sympathy. Finally it was time to bring him home.
My children and parents have been wonderful. Everyone is doing all they can to make Ron comfortable. Friends have stopped by with food while other friends have remained on call to do all those little errands I can't do. Gary and Viki Huff have been an extra pair of hands and feet that I desperately needed.
Yet....it's still been a hard battle. Each child needed to talk about their own lives and needed time to get away and deal with their own problems. My Dad is still having chest pains and his left arm hasn't stopped aching. My mom is dealing with her own set of physical problems. Ron is in so much pain and can't leave the house. I'm cooking more than ever (even if it's only warming and serving) and finding it difficult just to have time to return phone calls, answer e-mails and keep the house straightened. I've reorganized several rooms so it will be easier for Ron to move around. I'm sore from all the moving and changing. I miss my writing and my quiet moments with God. The house has been filled with love - but also overflowing with activity.
The good news is that Ron is doing better. I'm still worried about Dad but I'm confident he is in God's hands. I'm so tired I fall in bed at night and immediately doze off only to wake up two hours later. Have you ever been so exhausted that even sleeping seems like a hard task?
Tested and Proven 12/29/08
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow. --Eccl. 4:9, 10
Tested and Proven 12/30/08
My soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge. --Psalms 57:1
Tested and Proven 12/31/08
So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. ----I Cor. 10:12-13
While I understand that this verse in Corinthians may be speaking about evil temptations - I believe that during a crisis we can be tempted to lose our faith, tempted with depression or even tempted to strike out at others. Praise God, with His help - none of this happened.
Be encouraged! God is able to help you through any trial you have!
I know....I'm positive.....It works....."T&P 1/3/09"
God loves you,
At some point the lie will reveal the deception and most of the time, it's too late to turn back. I also believe that God is the God of second chances - but it seems like a much better idea to live by TRUTH the first time around.
Many years ago there was an elderly woman that loved her Bible. She read it through many times. She loved to sit in her rocking chair, covered with her favorite Afghan, sipping a cup of tea and reading cherished scriptures. She was a kind woman who made many friends during her life. Her children sought her advice and treasured every moment with her.
When she died they held on to her Bible as if it were a link to her spirit. The leather cover was worn soft and frayed on the edges. The cover had only a light imprint where her name was once stamped in gold. Her son carefully opened the precious book looking for some favorite verse he could quote at her funeral. Beside hundreds of verses his mother had carefully written....."T&P" followed by a date. He wiped the tears from his eyes and browsed the entire Bible looking for a clue for the meaning of "T&P". Was it a reference to a particular verse? Maybe it was some one's initials? Was it code for some spiritual truth?
The entire family unit began a discussion on the meaning of this strange code. At the viewing her son was talking with her minister about his mother's wonderful Christian example. Several members of the family unit didn't share her enthusiasm, but they all respected it. He mentioned the Bible mystery. The older minister smiled and put his hand on the young man's arm. "Your mother was seeking TRUTH in her walk with God. She wanted to know that she could trust Him and that His word was true."
Her son rubbed the cover of the old Bible. "She always talked about God's word being true and we thought about the first letter standing for truth but that doesn't explain the "P"."
The minister smiled and wiped a tear from his own eyes. "It's not a code. It's research that you can build your life on. Your mother's life was filled with disappointments, pain and sorrow. She weathered many storms both with your father and without. She was blessed and she was afflicted. She remained faithful during times of plenty and times when she went without in order to feed her children. She was both strong and weak. She laughed and she cried. Through all of her life she found strength in one thing - her faith. Her faith kept her hopeful when everything around her was hope-less. She truly believed that God was her best friend and would help her survive anything life chose to throw at her."
All her family members gathered in a circle listening to the minister's explanation. Some were crying and some were repenting. Some were looking at the floor while others rejoiced in their own faith. "But pastor, we still wish we knew the meaning."
Every heart was touched and forever changed when the pastor softly revealed the code, "Tested and Proven." The minister crossed his arms and waited for the message to sink in. "She wrote Tested and Proven by every verse she found to be true. Every time your mother went through a trial, she found a verse and claimed it as her own. When God revealed his plan to her, she wrote Tested and Proven. She included the date as a marker so you could remember and rejoice with her."
The son gripped the Bible with a new heart. Each verse could now be recalled as a testimony - not only of God's love and power but also how that love was played out in his mother's life.
I've been telling you for the last month that we can survive anything with God's power. He is not a doddering old grandfather that sits in the sky. He is alive and able to provide everything we need to survive. I'm not talking about money or success, I'm talking about strength. Strength to survive every day and every problem no matter what life hands out.
One week ago today I drove my Dad to the hospital with chest pains. My son Ken stayed with Ron for two days while the rest of us kept watch over Dad (Papaw) at the hospital. Dad came home on Sunday evening and the next morning I was back at the hospital with Ron. His surgery was last in the day so it was a long wait. His surgery took almost two hours. When they finally allowed me in the recovery room, Ron was in terrible pain. They explained that they were worried about his breathing and couldn't give him the same medication dosage they would give other patients.
Ron was crying and in such physical pain, they were worried about other complications. I was sick with worry and left the recovery room and fell into Amie's arms in tears. The doctor explained that the break was much worse than he thought. Ron not only had three breaks to his leg and ankle, but had completely ripped the muscles, tendons and ligaments from his ankle and leg. The two bones in his ankle were actually free floating and not attached to the ankle at all.
My heart sank as I listened to the problems and issues we would need to face. Ron has always been such a strong man and one that craves outdoor activities. My heart broke for him and the road ahead. I stayed at the hospital as they tried to regulate his medication. I only left the room long enough to make a call or cry in sympathy. Finally it was time to bring him home.
My children and parents have been wonderful. Everyone is doing all they can to make Ron comfortable. Friends have stopped by with food while other friends have remained on call to do all those little errands I can't do. Gary and Viki Huff have been an extra pair of hands and feet that I desperately needed.
Yet....it's still been a hard battle. Each child needed to talk about their own lives and needed time to get away and deal with their own problems. My Dad is still having chest pains and his left arm hasn't stopped aching. My mom is dealing with her own set of physical problems. Ron is in so much pain and can't leave the house. I'm cooking more than ever (even if it's only warming and serving) and finding it difficult just to have time to return phone calls, answer e-mails and keep the house straightened. I've reorganized several rooms so it will be easier for Ron to move around. I'm sore from all the moving and changing. I miss my writing and my quiet moments with God. The house has been filled with love - but also overflowing with activity.
The good news is that Ron is doing better. I'm still worried about Dad but I'm confident he is in God's hands. I'm so tired I fall in bed at night and immediately doze off only to wake up two hours later. Have you ever been so exhausted that even sleeping seems like a hard task?
Tested and Proven 12/29/08
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow. --Eccl. 4:9, 10
Tested and Proven 12/30/08
My soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge. --Psalms 57:1
Tested and Proven 12/31/08
So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. ----I Cor. 10:12-13
While I understand that this verse in Corinthians may be speaking about evil temptations - I believe that during a crisis we can be tempted to lose our faith, tempted with depression or even tempted to strike out at others. Praise God, with His help - none of this happened.
Be encouraged! God is able to help you through any trial you have!
I know....I'm positive.....It works....."T&P 1/3/09"
God loves you,
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