Be sure and put this website in your favorites list.
I told you about Nick Vujicic last week. On Friday Nick was interviewed on ABC's 20/20. I was surprised how much they let him talk about God in his interview. What I didn't know last week was that he is a minister and is traveling the globe encouraging young people to let God lead them into being all they can be.
Anytime you think the road is too hard for you. Anytime you think you can't do something that needs to be done. Anytime you begin to feel sorry for yourself...go to Nick's website.
If God can use him, if he can do the fantastic work he is doing, if he can have an influence on this world - imagine how much more God can use you, you can be fantastic and you can have an influence!
Don't be discouraged. Don't let the world tell you that it's impossible.
God loves you,
Click on all pictures in the sidebar to get the most from this blog. Pastor's Corner : Submit questions for three pastors - The Christian: Specific traits found in the true Christian - Abuse: An ongoing discussion of all forms of abuse - God's House: A study of God's demands on the church body - and many more.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Moms are the greatest!
I love cheering for all you Moms! No one is more capable or more talented than a loving Mom.

One of my favorite Moms is Barbara Curtis. She is a mother of 12, has written 9 books and over 800 articles. She is a fantastic person! I love the blog she wrote Today's Moms - under pressure. Please take the time to click over and read her blog. It will encourage you to keep going. While you're there, take the time to check out her website.

One of my favorite Moms is Barbara Curtis. She is a mother of 12, has written 9 books and over 800 articles. She is a fantastic person! I love the blog she wrote Today's Moms - under pressure. Please take the time to click over and read her blog. It will encourage you to keep going. While you're there, take the time to check out her website.
Keep at it Barbara!
God loves you and so do we,
Debbie Jansen
Debbie Jansen
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Let Go George....let go!
Once upon a time there were two men. They were best friends. They did everything together. John was an exciting guy who loved to move with the moment and take chances. George was a planner that wouldn't do anything without clearly seeing the next step.
John and George have been friends for a long time. They have seen each other through both good and bad situations. John was excited about a new financial opportunity. "George, we should do this together. We can make a lot of money."
"I don't know John. It seems kind of risky. Let me do some research."
Months went by. "George, it's now or never!"
"Well, it looks okay, but I don't know. What if we lose our money?"
"We aren't investing everything. We need to do it George."
While another three months went by, John invested in the opportunity. No amount of urging could get George to move. Finally, when John bought a new million dollar home, George asked him to come over. John drove his new corvette into George's driveway. George met him on the lawn.
"I guess I'm ready. Here's a thousand dollars. Will you take care of the investment for me?" George held a crisp $1,000 bill. It was a minuscule representation of his financial portfolio. John would have given him the papers to the investment without payment, but John knew George needed the transaction in order to grow. John wanted his friend to experience the excitement of taking a chance - putting it on the line - taking a plunge - in other words, risking with only the hope of winning.
John reached out to take the money. George continued to hold on. John pulled. George frowned. "It's okay, it's a sure thing. Don't be afraid."
Stuck in his fear George yelled, "But what if....?"
Finally in frustration John took over, grabbing his arm and yelling at George, "Let go George...let go now!"
We all have faced those times. An opportunity presents itself and we are so comfortable where we are that we have a difficult time letting go in order to reach for the gold. The magic trick to winning is that we MUST LET GO.
We have to let go of our fear of failure. We have to let go of our past. We have to let go of our pain. And.... we have to be willing to risk it all in order to win.
If you are not willing to risk something, you are not determined enough to make the decisions that need to be made in order to win.
I encourage you to trust yourself, trust God and let go! I hope you win! No matter what the outcome, I know that you will be glad you took the ride.
God loves you,
John and George have been friends for a long time. They have seen each other through both good and bad situations. John was excited about a new financial opportunity. "George, we should do this together. We can make a lot of money."
"I don't know John. It seems kind of risky. Let me do some research."
Months went by. "George, it's now or never!"
"Well, it looks okay, but I don't know. What if we lose our money?"
"We aren't investing everything. We need to do it George."
While another three months went by, John invested in the opportunity. No amount of urging could get George to move. Finally, when John bought a new million dollar home, George asked him to come over. John drove his new corvette into George's driveway. George met him on the lawn.
"I guess I'm ready. Here's a thousand dollars. Will you take care of the investment for me?" George held a crisp $1,000 bill. It was a minuscule representation of his financial portfolio. John would have given him the papers to the investment without payment, but John knew George needed the transaction in order to grow. John wanted his friend to experience the excitement of taking a chance - putting it on the line - taking a plunge - in other words, risking with only the hope of winning.
John reached out to take the money. George continued to hold on. John pulled. George frowned. "It's okay, it's a sure thing. Don't be afraid."
Stuck in his fear George yelled, "But what if....?"
Finally in frustration John took over, grabbing his arm and yelling at George, "Let go George...let go now!"
We all have faced those times. An opportunity presents itself and we are so comfortable where we are that we have a difficult time letting go in order to reach for the gold. The magic trick to winning is that we MUST LET GO.
We have to let go of our fear of failure. We have to let go of our past. We have to let go of our pain. And.... we have to be willing to risk it all in order to win.
If you are not willing to risk something, you are not determined enough to make the decisions that need to be made in order to win.
I encourage you to trust yourself, trust God and let go! I hope you win! No matter what the outcome, I know that you will be glad you took the ride.
God loves you,
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Ultimate Battleground
Success is 20% inspiration and 80% perspiration. Success will demand that you take risks. Success is 100% determination. Success is talent. Success is who you know. Success is timing. Success has nothing to do with talent and everything to do with luck.
The contradicting list could go on and on. We all are ready to pounce on the newest craze, statement, routine, book, talk show, etc... that will lead us to success. It is human nature to want to be successful at what we do. We want successful homes, jobs, faith, friendships, health, relationships and countries.
So why is there so much failure?
The ultimate battleground is our mind.
If we truly believe that we have a chance for success, we open our minds to exploring new concepts and avenues. If we believe in our families, our faith, our health, our jobs - we will work with the energy of 10 men to do whatever is necessary to be successful. If we don't believe we have a chance, we lose heart and our attempts at success will be less than they should.
Should we be a 100% positive person - never considering failure?
No. That would be dangerous.
The Bible tells us to consider the requirements before we attempt any job. It may sound like I'm contradicting myself, but I'm not. The key is not to avoid all facts about the situation. The key is "believing" that you can overcome those facts.
Unfortunately when anyone has experienced failure, those voices in our head keep us busy. Have you ever attempted to reach for the gold only to be stopped by "voices" telling you why it won't happen? You aren't pretty enough, smart enough, good enough. Only the best Christians are blessed. Only people with money receive those invitations, opportunities, considerations. You may have all the qualifications but the voices tell you that no one will listen, care, hire or appreciate what you do.
Isn't it strange that most of the time failure doesn't come at the hands of others - it comes through our own disbelief and those voices that keep nagging at us until we give up? I could avoid this entire matter and just tell you to do whatever feels good or to decide on your own to listen to those voices....but then....what do I do with the following people?
About 25 years ago I was watching a New Year's Eve concert and a young man took the stage. Tony Melendez shared the story of how his mother responded to a challenge by purchasing a guitar for Tony. What made the challenge so amazing was that Tony was born without arms. His life story is amazing. You can find it at Known around the world for playing the guitar with his feet, he was thrust into the limelight when he performed for Pope John Paul II, who, moved by Tony's performance, rushed into the audience to embrace him.
I couldn't remember Tony's full name so I googled "guitar player without arms." Google presented 2,030,000 sites. Some of those are comment blogs but I found many that were musicians or speakers without appendages. One amazing young man has no arms or legs. Nick Vujicic is an amazing man to watch.
The contradicting list could go on and on. We all are ready to pounce on the newest craze, statement, routine, book, talk show, etc... that will lead us to success. It is human nature to want to be successful at what we do. We want successful homes, jobs, faith, friendships, health, relationships and countries.
So why is there so much failure?
The ultimate battleground is our mind.
If we truly believe that we have a chance for success, we open our minds to exploring new concepts and avenues. If we believe in our families, our faith, our health, our jobs - we will work with the energy of 10 men to do whatever is necessary to be successful. If we don't believe we have a chance, we lose heart and our attempts at success will be less than they should.
Should we be a 100% positive person - never considering failure?
No. That would be dangerous.
The Bible tells us to consider the requirements before we attempt any job. It may sound like I'm contradicting myself, but I'm not. The key is not to avoid all facts about the situation. The key is "believing" that you can overcome those facts.
Unfortunately when anyone has experienced failure, those voices in our head keep us busy. Have you ever attempted to reach for the gold only to be stopped by "voices" telling you why it won't happen? You aren't pretty enough, smart enough, good enough. Only the best Christians are blessed. Only people with money receive those invitations, opportunities, considerations. You may have all the qualifications but the voices tell you that no one will listen, care, hire or appreciate what you do.
Isn't it strange that most of the time failure doesn't come at the hands of others - it comes through our own disbelief and those voices that keep nagging at us until we give up? I could avoid this entire matter and just tell you to do whatever feels good or to decide on your own to listen to those voices....but then....what do I do with the following people?
About 25 years ago I was watching a New Year's Eve concert and a young man took the stage. Tony Melendez shared the story of how his mother responded to a challenge by purchasing a guitar for Tony. What made the challenge so amazing was that Tony was born without arms. His life story is amazing. You can find it at Known around the world for playing the guitar with his feet, he was thrust into the limelight when he performed for Pope John Paul II, who, moved by Tony's performance, rushed into the audience to embrace him.
I couldn't remember Tony's full name so I googled "guitar player without arms." Google presented 2,030,000 sites. Some of those are comment blogs but I found many that were musicians or speakers without appendages. One amazing young man has no arms or legs. Nick Vujicic is an amazing man to watch.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Palm Sunday Blessings

I am waiting to go into our Mt. Hermon Christian Writer's Conference Palm Sunday Worship service. The setting here is amazing and can quickly bring you back to the majesty and wonder of God.
I wonder what Jesus was thinking as he rode into the city. Everyone was so excited to see him. Palm branches spread out before him. The people were full of hope and were sure their time had finally come. Surely there would be peace. Surely this man would lead them to a better life. Surely the son of God would not require more pain.
Jesus knew different. Jesus knew that life had changed, that he brought hope but that the road from despair would be long and hard. The road he was now pointing to would be filled with thorns and rocks, blood and tears. Were they ready for this? Can any human ever be ready for hard work and disappointment? He would be God's example of hope for any endeavor we encounter. Not only would he bring salvation, he also brought hope for the human challenge.
As we reflect on all the events of Easter, let's take a look at our hopes and dreams. What plans do you have for the future? What is God's purpose for your life? What dream is still unfulfilled? Jesus is waiting to take you on a journey. A journey that will produce great things in your life.
Join him today in the celebration that He is the author of bright futures. Take him with you as you go for the dream!
God loves you,
Friday, March 14, 2008
Some of you know how very busy my life has been. Thank you all for understanding. For those of you who don't know, Ces Murphey - co-author of 90 minutes in Heaven gave me a scholarship to the Florida Christian Writer's conference. I have been overwhelmed with work. I'm also busy scheduling seminars with The Family Training Center. I am thrilled about both ventures - but the work has taken me away from my one true love - all my blogs and you! I have missed talking with you.
I know you are sitting at your computers at work or in the quiet morning hours before the rest of your world is awake, but you must help me.....
Stand to your feet, raise your hands in the air, jump up and down and quietly whisper a yell - Yeah Debbie !
At the Florida Christian Writers conference, Judi Perry of Beacon Hill Press read my book and liked it. She asked me to send a proposal. I also talked with Athena Dean of Winepress publishing and we are discussing the possibility of me doing four books with them. I received the go ahead for two articles and several other possibilities. To my amazement two other publishers would like to publish my book The Lighter side of Chaos.
I'm writing you from the Mt. Hermon Christian Writers Conference in California. I'll be sending you updates from here.
If I could give any of you a gift it would be the determination to never give up on your dream.
Hard work does pay off. Education is the path to success. Believing in yourself is the catalyst to understanding your purpose in life.
It's HOPE that drives us. Hope that we will one day see our dream come true. Hope that we will be inspired to do something great. Hope that we will accomplish the purpose that God has for us. Hope that our talents will be perfected. Hope that we will touch other lives. Hope that our life will not be in vein. Hope that when we stand before our God He will say - "Well done thy good and faithful servant."
I know all of you have wonderful dreams. I am praying for you to achieve your goals. You can do it! Now go get busy!
God Loves You,
I know you are sitting at your computers at work or in the quiet morning hours before the rest of your world is awake, but you must help me.....
Stand to your feet, raise your hands in the air, jump up and down and quietly whisper a yell - Yeah Debbie !
At the Florida Christian Writers conference, Judi Perry of Beacon Hill Press read my book and liked it. She asked me to send a proposal. I also talked with Athena Dean of Winepress publishing and we are discussing the possibility of me doing four books with them. I received the go ahead for two articles and several other possibilities. To my amazement two other publishers would like to publish my book The Lighter side of Chaos.
I'm writing you from the Mt. Hermon Christian Writers Conference in California. I'll be sending you updates from here.
If I could give any of you a gift it would be the determination to never give up on your dream.
Hard work does pay off. Education is the path to success. Believing in yourself is the catalyst to understanding your purpose in life.
It's HOPE that drives us. Hope that we will one day see our dream come true. Hope that we will be inspired to do something great. Hope that we will accomplish the purpose that God has for us. Hope that our talents will be perfected. Hope that we will touch other lives. Hope that our life will not be in vein. Hope that when we stand before our God He will say - "Well done thy good and faithful servant."
I know all of you have wonderful dreams. I am praying for you to achieve your goals. You can do it! Now go get busy!
God Loves You,
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