Friday, February 29, 2008
Amazing youth
After the attacks of 911, I prayed for all the victims and felt empathy for their families. I didn't realize at the time how much I thought about their last moments. It has left me with a small fear of flying. My mind tells me that it's perfectly safe and that more accidents happen on the highways than in the sky. My emotions fire back with - "but if it DID happen....what would I do?" I don't think it would be very lady like to run down the aisle screaming "Pray as loud as you can - we are all going to die!" I'm also not ready to be thrust into heaven's arms with a violent jolt. (Okay so I'm a little childish with these thought.)
The fear I have doesn't keep me away from flying, but it does become a problem when I tearfully walk into that super sonic bullet knowing I will be catapulted into the sky.
Flying to Florida involved a stop in Atlanta. My son was with me on the first trip and we had a great time talking and laughing. When I tried my seat on the second leg of my journey, the tears began to roll. I was seated by a window (my aisle seat had been changed) and I felt trapped. I asked the stewardess if I could change. A lovely lady switched with me and I felt better (especially since I couldn't see out).
I sat beside a young man with a beautiful smile. He helped me get settled and we introduced ourselves. I apologized to Jack and explained that I was afraid. His smile was comforting but his words dug into my heart.
"It's okay. Don't worry. I'm in the military and I'll take care of you."
We spent most of the 90 minutes talking about where he was stationed, where he was going and what his career had meant to his life. Jack was 20 and came from a military family. He was proud that he was serving in his father and grandfather's unit. He was concerned about America but mostly wanted to serve. He wanted to be sure that people like me were safe.
"Most military people do all they can to avoid the press. They twist things you know. Everyone I serve with knows that we should be in Iraq and we are proud to protect our country. I would love to get on television and tell the real truth about Iraq, but they would only twist it to fit their agenda."
While Jack talked about his commitment, I was humbled. He could have chosen a life of ease and fun but instead he answered the call of protection. He was willing to say, "I'll stand between you and danger. I'll protect you with my life."
I was afraid to board an airplane - he was confident to face insurgents that want to kill. I simply cried for God's mercy - he had to trust not only God but his training as well.
He talked about his first day and how he froze on his first scout. He stopped and starred ahead for a moment. "I couldn't make myself move. I was only 18 then and it was my first time facing a real enemy."
I fought back tears, "I guess your life flashed before your eyes." He smiled again and shook his head yes. "What did you do?"
He put his hand on his heart. "My buddies yelled at me and I kept going. You have to keep going. Don't think about it. Just keep going. It's all about heart, training and determination."
It's hard for me to stop thinking about that encounter. Jack was a good looking, kind young man. Even though I only had 90 minutes with him, I can confidently say he is a representative of the cream of the crop. I will be praying for him. I will ask God to send his largest angels to protect him.
I am also grateful for his inspiration. From now on when I'm afraid I will think of Jack. I will try to do what he taught me. I will claim God's love. I will train hard to be a good soldier of God and I will strengthen my determination to follow in God's footsteps.
Jack is in man's army. We are in God's army. Are you able to complete your daily drills? Can you follow orders? Are you resolved to win the fight? Do you trust your brothers in arms to support you and follow you in battle? Are you working to be the strongest link in the chain?
Let's spend time today praying for the sweet faces of youth as they protect us all across the globe. Let's also remember our own duties in this great army of God.
God loves you,
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Out of the mouth of babes
I have a dear friend in Iowa who sends out daily e-mails of encouragement. She is in her 80's and has more energy than I had at 40. Darlene Mooberry has been a source of great delight for many years.
She sent me the following and I thought about posting it only on Mommy Funnies. It is too good for you to miss, so I'm sharing it here as well.
A child was told to write a book report on the entire Bible. This is her amazing account of events. I think we need to take a lesson from her and lighten up a bit. We also need to be aware that our children view God and his word through our teaching. I hope you enjoy her book report as much I did.
Children's Bible in a Nutshell
In the beginning, which occurred near the start, there was nothing but God, darkness, and some gas. The Bible says, 'The Lord thy God is one, but I think He must be a lot older than that.
Anyway, God said, 'Give me a light!' and someone did. Then God made the world. He split the Adam and made Eve. Adam and Eve were naked, but they weren't embarrassed because mirrors hadn't been invented yet. Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating one bad apple, so they were driven from the Garden of Eden. Not sure what they were driven in though, because they didn't have cars. Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel.
Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived to be like a million or something. One of the next important people was Noah, who was a good guy, but one of his kids was kind of a Ham. Noah built a large boat and put his family and some animals on it. He asked some other people to join him, but they said they would have to take a rain check.
After Noah came Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jacob was more famous than his brother, Esau, because Esau sold Jacob his birthmark in exchange for some pot roast. Jacob had a son named Joseph who wore a really loud sports coat. Another important Bible guy is Moses, whose real name was Charlton Heston. Moses led the Israel Lights out of Egypt and away from the evil Pharaoh after God sent ten plagues on Pharaoh's people. These plagues included frogs, mice, lice, bowels, and no cable. God fed the Israel Lights every day with manicotti. Then he gave them His Top Ten Commandments. These include don't lie, cheat, smoke, dance, or covet your neighbor's stuff. Oh, yeah, I just thought of one more: Humor thy father and thy mother.
One of Moses' best helpers was Joshua who was the first Bible guy to use spies. Joshua fought the battle of Geritol and the fence fell over on the town. After Joshua came David. He got to be king by killing a giant with a slingshot. He had a son named Solomon who had about 300 wives and 500 porcupines. My teacher says he was wise, but that doesn't sound very wise to me.
After Solomon there were a bunch of major league prophets. One of these was Jonah, who was swallowed by a big whale and then barfed up on the shore. There were also some minor league prophets, but I guess we don't have to worry about them.
After the Old Testament came the New Testament. Jesus is the star of the New Testament. He was born in Bethlehem in a barn. (I wish I had been born in a barn, too, because my mom is always saying to me,'Close the door! Were you born in a barn?' It would be nice to say yes!)
During His life, Jesus had many arguments with sinners like the Pharisees and the Democrats. Jesus also had twelve opossums. The worst one was Judas Asparagus. Judas was so evil that they named a terrible vegetable after him. Jesus was a great man. He healed many leopards and even preached to some Germans on the Mount. But the Democrats and all those guys put Jesus on trial before Pontius the Pilot. Pilot didn't stick up for Jesus. He just washed his hands instead.
Any way's, Jesus died for our sins, then came back to life again. He went up to Heaven but will be back at the end of the Aluminum. His return is foretold in the book of Revolution.
Amen...darling, Amen!
God loves you,
Monday, February 18, 2008
An Honest Why
Matthew 11 begins with John's disciples relaying a message asking Jesus if he is the one they have been looking for. Jesus shows compassion for John's fears and not only answers "yes" but goes on and on for several verses telling everyone that John is a wonderful man that has done all God asked him to do.
Then Jesus turns and begins a frustrated rant about all the cities that have rejected him. He even tells Capernaum that it will be more bearable for Sodom on the Day of Judgment than for you. Jesus is angry at the stupidity of these cities.
So why does he then take a breath and tell us to take up his yoke and it will be easy? Why does he give God praise by saying, "because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure."
Most ministers would take this chapter and preach on how easy God can make your life. Other ministers would preach on how dedicated we should be to God's calling and purpose. Some ministers might preach on the damnation that will come because of ignorance. A few might preach on the comfort of standing close to Jesus.
I would like for you to consider that this chapter may be giving us a sliver of insight into an honest why.
Last week it happened again, another shooting. More families hurting and more lives lost. "He was a model student. We just don't understand."
A young girl was kidnapped while sleeping on a couch. I prayed for her. Her pictures were beautiful. I couldn't get them out of my mind. This weekend she was found dumped in a vacant lot.
Friday's paper had a back page headline, "The baby in the microwave case has reached a decision." I didn't dare read that one. I don't want to know the details of that story.
Why are we seeing so much devastating news? Has it always been a part of our society and technology is just shining a light on what was already there? Is our country more violent? What are we doing about it? Is there an answer to our problems or do we simply have to endure this escalation of evil?
This morning I was praying and asking God all those questions. This verse kept playing in my head, "Come unto me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." I didn't get it at first. At first I thought God was just impressing me to calm down and think about the good things in life and rest in him. The more the verse played in my head the more the word "Learn" was emphasized. Every time I repeated the verse that word became louder and louder.
The world is like an undisciplined child. Have you watched a spoiled child enter a store? His parent is trying to keep him calm and interested in one item, but the child is screaming for everything. Once his hands are on one toy, he holds it tightly under his arm as if someone is going to steal it. The other hand reaches for something else. He screams for a second toy. If he receives it, he screams for a third. When his arms are full, he begins to drop some of his treasures, but he's so busy screaming for something else that he doesn't see what he's lost. He thinks he has to have it all never realizing that it's impossible.
The saddest person in this scene is not the child. Have you ever looked at the parent? They seem weary and tired. They aren't happy and don't find joy in the child. They are overworked trying to allow this child to find happiness in "things" - never realizing that what they really want is a relationship.
Both individuals need rest and calm but neither will ever achieve it. As the child grows he will constantly be looking for something, anything to fill his desires. His search will end in disappointment. And the parent, he will be one of those parents that fuss about how futile life is and that children are a burden.
That scene is a description of our country. Are you depressed yet? Don't be. Let me explain how you can avoid this problem. Christ came to give us the good news that God lives and will save us from our sins. There is more to the good news! Much more!
The Bible is full of directions. It will help you map out a wonderful life. If you follow the directions in the Bible you will avoid all the mess that happens to other people. "I don't like to be told what to do. The Bible is just a bunch of antiquated rules. It can't possibly apply to contemporary life."
To say you don't like rules is a lie. Everyone obeys hundreds of rules every day. You can't get to work without rules. You can't order fast food without rules. Even the most dedicated atheist will obey hundreds of rules every day and he will be protected by a thousand more rules.
Think of the Bible in terms of a college course and God is your professor. If you study it and put Biblical principles into your daily life, you will get an A++. The way you receive your grade from God is by the blessings in your life.
"Okay, so maybe I do follow rules, that still doesn't tell me why this country is in such a mess?" We are in a mess because we have allowed the spoiled child to take over. Government, psychologist, sociologist, doctors, lawyers, teachers, ministers and parents have all refused to ask an honest why.
Government says, "We must have freedom for everyone." That's great. Let's do. In having freedom though we have to realize that there are limits. Total freedom totally corrupts. Because people with evil motives will rise to the top and try to take over, we can not have a totally free society.
For example, we want freedom of religion. Why do we have to persecute Christians in order to allow freedom for Buddhism? Can't we have freedom for both? Or better yet, why is it such a bad idea to allow Christian principles in our system? Christian principles promote good citizenship. Those are the values we want everyone to have in order for laws to be obeyed. People who break the law are usually people who have broken the Ten Commandments. Why then wouldn't we want to promote a faith that supports our government? That's an honest why. A dishonest why centers only on one aspect of a subject and refuses to consider all sides.
Lawyers say, "Everyone must have free speech." They twist and mangle that freedom until they seem to have proven that gamers have the right to sell any type of violent game they want. Pornography can stream through our daily lives like a tidal wave. Every evil thought is played out on a Hollywood screen. "Free speech," they yell. "You can't limit our free speech."
If we were truly honest, we would ask - "If violence has escalated and our children are killing each other, there must be a reason. If sexual problems are worse and disease and death are on the rise, what are we doing wrong? If families are disintegrating and suicide is worst than ever, can we look back in history and find a time when things were better? What were we doing at that time that we aren't doing now?"
Asking an honest why gives you lots of answers. Since I don't want to write you a book today, I'll give you one example. All psychologists agree that "what you say to your child will determine their self-esteem. Therefore, don't be negative. Always find ways to compliment your child. For example, instead of only commenting on the wrong he does; find ways to say things like - good boy! You did it! You are wonderful! What a champ!"
If you step back and look at the overall implication of that philosophy, you understand that what a child hears will mold his personality. Right? Any psychologist will be on board with that. So, if what he hears will mold his personality, then it stands to reason that he should "NOT" be listening to acid rock. He shouldn't have the words pumped into his brain on a daily basis that "life is horrible and he should kill those that hurt him." It also stands to reason that if you can change a child's self-esteem, that you can probably change an adult. After all, we all know the dangers of "brain washing". If that's true, shouldn't we have laws to prevent anyone from producing that type of music and hate songs?
"Oh,no. You can't do that. We have to be free! And besides, even if it is bad - you can't make me stop unless you can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that my music produced an evil act." I must ask...."Why do I need to waste millions of dollars trying to prove something that we already know to be true because of common sense derived from the evidence we already have?"
When we are willing to ask an honest why, we will consider the other side. If Freedom is killing our society shouldn't we be asking if "total" freedom is right? Maybe what we really want in this country is "limited freedom". Maybe what we really want is a return to a society of disciplined individuals rather than one run by a government or psychological sector that proclaims we are entitled to anything we want.
Maybe the only way we will ever achieve all that we can be and have the freedom and rest that Jesus promised is if we learn to say "no, I won't allow you to do that". Maybe it's important to take a look at ourselves and ask, "what am I doing wrong?" - rather than be defensive and worried about guilt. Maybe we should be looking for ways to change and become better parents, citizens and followers of Christ.
I am praying that God will raise up a group of men and women across this country that are more concerned about asking an honest why than they are about hiding in the shadows. We need an army of people that will stand up and say,"No. I want my way of life preserved. I'm tired of a country gone mad. I'm tired of the killings and evil."
Can you ask an honest why? Maybe if we ask an honest why first....the rest of the verse will mean even more. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and LEARN from ME, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
God loves you,
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008
I glared at a young mother who had been arrested for having her newborn sitting in her carrier on a street corner, uncovered and chilled at 3am while she gabbed with several young men. The same discipline that I was trying to teach had to apply to her. How am I going to get through to this girl? I said a quick prayer and took the plunge.
"That's fine. You don't have to ever require anything from her. I would suggest that you save your money. You are going to need it to bail her out of jail at age 12. You will probably also need some extra money to pay for the casket she will need at age 17. It's your choice of course. You are the parent. You can do anything you like. I'm just explaining the results."
I definitely had her attention. She patted her baby and gave me the evil eye. "You can't say that. How do you know that will happen?"
"Because my dear, discipline is all around us. Discipline or lack of it is what causes us to make every day decisions. Without discipline every single person on earth would be no more than cavemen. Without discipline we do anything we want without a thought for any other person. Without discipline your daughter would just as soon take a knife to your back as look at you. Without discipline your daughter will climb out of windows to disobey you. She will take drugs, steal and yes even kill if necessary to get what she wants. It's easy to look at most 7 year olds and tell you where they will be in 10 years. But you, darling, you've made it a snap for me. If you are not going to give this precious little one any discipline at all....then her life is already set. It's not me that's sealing her fate - it's you."
I moved my eyes from her to others in the room. I saw the dropped jaws and wondered if I was inspired or if I may soon be teaching to an empty classroom. By now, the teen mother had lifted her child from the carrier and looked at me with tears in her eyes. "My parents beat the life (she used choice words that I won't repeat) out of me. I don't want to hurt her like that."
I walked over and put my hand on her shoulder..."Good. You shouldn't. There's a huge difference in discipline and abuse." She was now ready to listen to proper discipline.
Discipline is NOT slavery. Getting your child to do everything you want is slavery.
Proper discipline is simply "Training your child to make good decisions".
So how can you accomplish proper discipline? It's a tough subject and deserves every minute of my two-hour class. For now let me just leave you with this....
In order to succeed at anything in life you must be a disciplined person. As parents the best gift we can give any child is discipline.
- Discipline will help them make and keep friends.
- Discipline will help them learn to go potty.
- Discipline will help them accomplish tasks.
- Discipline will help them learn and make good grades.
- Discipline will help their faith.
- Discipline will keep your relationship strong and healthy.
- Discipline will help them find a "wonderful" mate.
- Discipline will make them strong citizens.
- Discipline will help them find and keep a good job.
- Discipline will make them great parents.
- Their entire life will be changed by discipline.
The mystery is how to successfully discipline your child.
You must parent from within.
Only when a child believes with his mind and soul that something is right or wrong will he be changed.
Only when you have made an impression on his heart will you make an impression on his life!
What do I mean by that?
You must be fair in your analysis of any situation. Not lenient, but fair. You must try to see both sides. Once you have listened to both sides you have to present a fair argument. Imagine you are locked in a room with your child, Satan and God. Both good and evil are talking to your child. As your child's attorney you are responsible for interpreting the information into a format your child can understand and accept. You have to find a way to prove to your child that what you want done is not just your preference, but also the "Right" thing to do. Once you've done that, the child will take the "truth" you have presented as his own and from that point on he will fight for it.
Most children disobey because they aren't convinced the parent is right. They listen to their "peers" and believe them because their parent hasn't been convincing enough.
This is a deep subject and there's a lot I don't have time to cover here. Things like:
- You must be responsible and a person of character.
- The proper placement of guilt in all our lives.
- Every child is different.
- Never punish a child for being a child.
- Respect your child and cultivate his respect for you.
- Punishment should fit the crime.
- Many more....
Dr. Ava Siegler states, "When punishment works, it teaches a child to reflect on his behavior, discern right from wrong, and remember that actions have consequences."
Dr. James Dobson states, "When properly applied, loving discipline works! It stimulates tender affection, made possible by mutual respect between a parent and a child. It bridges the gap which otherwise separates family members who should love and trust each other. It permits teachers to do the kind of job in classrooms for which they are commissioned. It encourages a child to respect other people and live as a responsible constructive citizen."
Discipline is the best gift we can give our children. Remember that it is not your job to force your child to do anything you want. You job as a parent is to make responsible decisions about right and wrong and teach those findings to your child. You and your child both must be dedicated to finding truth and right behavior in everything you do.
You can purchase my 60-minute tape of Basic discipline for $12.00 or have your group schedule a class.
God loves you,
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Potty Training in One Day
I was also featured on the CBS morning show, "Good Morning Cleveland".
It's a wonderful method that makes potty training fun as it creates a bond between you and your child. It's not a bogus sensational theory. It works because it takes your child's body and mental aptitude into account. You are working with your child, not against him.
I have a 60-minute tape that I will send you for a donation of just $12. It comes with a handy booklet that is small enough for your purse. The best value in this package is your free on-line support with the creator of the program - me! You can e-mail questions at any time of day or night. I'll answer as soon as I see them.
Tell me a little about this program....
First your child must be able to follow some commands. Stop, come here, sit, pick this up etc. He must also be able to understand the concept of wet, dry, thirsty. He should be able to maneuver his clothes and the ability to sit himself on the potty. The booklet and tape will go into all the details and why these abilities are necessary.
Take a day off and eliminate all distractions. For example, if you have other children - take them to a friend or to grandma. This is your time with this one child. Begin in the morning and by the early evening the job should be done. Just think. An entire day of loving, giggling and being with that child. How precious this day will be. I promise you will not be stressed.
You allow the child to eat plenty of salty foods. He is then given a choice of all kinds of drinks that will certainly make him go more often. The more he goes...the more practice with what needs to be done.
There are reasons most programs take so long and are so frustrating to both you and your child. If your child doesn't recognize when he's wet (pull-ups) how will he realize when to react. Since you also don't know when he's wet, you can't possibly give him instructions. Instead you are consumed with telling him he's done it wrong (that's how it will come across no matter how positive you try to be). Since he's not being taught to think ahead, he has to make hundreds of mistakes before he finally gets the idea.
With my proven program you teach the child about his body FIRST, then he gets to practice. It's a wonderful loving way to put this milestone behind you both.
E-mail me if you have more questions or would like to order the tape.
Won't it be wonderful to take a Friday off work and know that by the evening your darling child will have mastered the program? After a weekend of practice he will be able to return to daycare diaper free!
God loves you,